Mega Kitty Love Fest: Day 4

We returned from our vacation trip on Sunday and since then we’ve gotten back into the routine: eat, sleep, work, and pet the cat. Pet the cat. And pet the cat some more.

Rileycat is an affectionate cat on any given day, but after we return from an absence, he becomes a LOVEMONGER. He is like movable kitty velcro. He likes nothing better than to be incessantly juggled into a little ball and held and stroked and cooed over (various songs are required. Don’t make me sing them, they’re stupid and all have the word “babycat” in them).

He doesn’t quite slobber, but he gets a really stupid expression on his furry face that can best be described as “I love you Moooooooooom, I love you Iloveyouiloveyouiloveyou.”

Leaving for work in the mornings, he gets a bit jumpy. But he’s always waiting at the door when we arrive home, impatient to be petted, held, stroked, sung over, scritched, and so forth.


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A Fizz-Nik For The Ages

Pop-bottle snap-on cup makes ice cream floats on demand – Boing Boing

The Fizz Cup is a cup that screws on to the top of a pop bottle. You fill it with ice-cream and squeeze the bottle and the soda rushes over the ice-cream and turns into an ice-cream float that fizzes out and into your gob, sparing you the mess of making ice-cream floats the old way.

Yeah. This is nothing new; I had a gadget called a “Fizz-nik” when I was a little kid in Albuquerque. Mine looked like this, except it was green and white. It was marketed by 7-Up, and of course I thought you could only use it with 7-Up and not with any other soda pop.

I mean, it had the old logo on it and everything. My toddlerish mind thought that meant that ONLY 7-UP could be used. I remember getting upset with Mom in the kitchen of our little house in ABQ, when she put a scoop of vanilla in the thing and popped it into a bottle of root beer. Root beer!

Okay, it tasted good, either way, but it bothered me. I wish I still had the thing, but it probably got thrown out at some point after we moved to Salt Lake. I vaguely remember it taking up space in a kitchen drawer, which is probably why it got tossed later. It was bulky, and the two parts probably got warped and didn’t fit together after going through the dishwasher a few times.

And no, I won’t be buying “The Fizz.” I’m getting ready to go on a health kick as my weight is getting uncomfortably high. Too many ice cream treats this year, don’t need any more temptation.

But mmmm, Fizz-niks were good, when the thing didn’t pop open and spill pop and ice cream everywhere.

Zimbabwe: Kunonga Excommunicated

Episcopal Life Online – WORLD REPORT
The controversial former bishop of Harare, Nolbert Kunonga, has been officially excommunicated, thereby stripping him of his ability to function as a cleric in the Anglican Church.

The announcement by the dean of the Church of the Province of Central Africa, the Rt. Rev. Albert Chama, comes following disturbing reports of continued harassment and violence from local police against Anglicans trying to worship in Zimbabwes capital city.

Anglicans in Zimbabwe: Oppression from Z to A

Riot Police and CIO stop Church services
HARARE – Baton-wielding riot police on Sunday burst into a number of Anglican church services across the capital Harare, disrupting mass at churches aligned with the Right Reverend Bishop Sebastian Bakare.
Bakare was appointed substantive bishop of the Harare diocese in December following the ouster of Bishop Nolbert Kunonga, Mugabe’s prominent pet bishop.

What’s Up With Wheaton?

The Christian Century reports on the very complicated situation in the Wheaton/Glen Ellyn area, where a series of splits amongst former Episcopalian parishes are laid out pretty fairly. What’s odd is that the writer doesn’t reference the new bishop of Chicago, only quoting or interviewing our retired Bishop, William Persell.  But it’s apparently not completely about Teh Gays. It’s originally about Teh Wimminz. And the faith once delivered, etc.