Reading “Wings Of Fire” – Not The Dragon One

Can’t finish this via audiobook – the reader’s soothing voice makes me sleep too well. It finally came up as an e-book at the library. As it’s NOT a boring book, I can read it faster than listening to it, without getting so relaxed I doze off.

Wings of Fire, by Charles Todd, an Ian Rutledge mystery.

The writing, pacing, and characters are solid and the style is beautifully melancholy. The Hamish character, a sort of inner voice, isn’t as intrusive as I thought he’d be.


UPDATE: Fell asleep and had a lovely nap after reading 7 or 8 chapters. Still going faster than listening to audiobook, and picking up details I missed.

The one change that didn’t work: I started baking sourdough – and discovered my obsessive side | Baking | The Guardian

I did manage some decent sourdough

Unlike the author of this article, I did eventually produce decent looking sourdough, with best results using Foodgeek’s easy oat sourdough loaf and very little discard or wasted starter. But getting the timing right is hard, and I also bought a lot of “magic gear” that didn’t make it easier, but did make the process more pleasing.

“I was getting up at 6am to meet the demands of a yeast culture I could never bend to my will. It was a relief to finally give up trying”
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Eugene Levy steps out of his comfort zone in The Reluctant Traveler | Boing Boing Well here’s something I didn’t know I needed in my life that I now need in my life. A new series is coming to Apple TV+ where the infamously indoorsy Eugene Levy is sent on wild adventures around the world. This is a guy who hates to even get his hair wet. I think…
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Eugene Levy steps out of his comfort zone in The Reluctant Traveler | Boing Boing Well here’s something I didn’t know I needed in my life that I now need in my life. A new series is coming to Apple TV+ where the infamously indoorsy Eugene Levy is sent on wild adventures around the world. This is a guy who hates to even get his hair wet. I think…
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Jeremy Clarkson Not Fired, Shunned, Or Banished. Why?

Who wants to watch a millionaire who posts awful things, and is somehow still on TV and writing opinion columns? 

They need him down on his farm at Diddly Squat. 

Kevin Lygo says presenter should apologise for column about Duchess of Sussex that attracted record number of complaints
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Tom Lehrer Songs And Lyrics Released to the Public Domain

Anyone for a little New Math, or Dead Puppies?

LINK: Tom Lehrer Songs

In short, I no longer retain any rights to any of my songs. So help yourselves, and don’t send me any money. THIS WEBSITE WILL BE SHUT DOWN AT SOME DATE IN THE NOT TOO DISTANT FUTURE, SO IF YOU WANT TO DOWNLOAD ANYTHING, DON’T WAIT TOO LONG. TOM LEHRER