- Lymphocytic Leukemia
- Orcinus list of eliminationist rhetoric from 2007
- http://webkit.dailykos.com/stories/2011/1/11/935418/-Arizonas-extremism-in-the-spotlight.html
Reminder of the shooting by a conservative of Mary Rose Wilcox: "I shot her because the radio told me to."
- Terror in Arizona: Just another ‘isolated incident’? Funny how that list keeps mounting | Crooks and Liars
Useful list of violent incidents from the past 2 1/2 years committed by wingnuts
- http://webkit.dailykos.com/stories/2011/1/11/935395/-Mental-illness-expert:-Yes,-ask-whether-political-climate-was-a-trigger-for-shooter.html
Refudiates latest comment
Linkdump: January 12th – January 13th