Project Fair Play | Stop Illegal Church Electioneering

It’s amazing how much I didn’t know about the separation of church and state.

I’ve always been a big proponent of the concept (hmm, something to do with being bullied as a redheaded stranger-child in a near-theocracy). But I didn’t know where the limitations lay, and I came up short in a discussion of politics at, of all places, Holy Moly.

I had been incensed over the last week or so about how the LDS Church was throwing a lot of money at Proposition 8 (the gay marriage ban) in California, and today I was dismayed to find that the Obama campaign is sending out a Prop 8 supporter on some kind of “faith-based” election tour touting Obama to religious moderates, liberals, and even mainstream conservatives.  But yesterday, I sat in on the “Adult Forum” discussion group, which was into its second or third week of discussing current events. Sunday, the topic was more or less “What is, and is not, the Line Thou Shalt Not Cross between the church and the state?”

I was surprised to find out that the LDS Church has every right to speak out on issues it perceives a moral imperative to address. They have every right (this makes my teeth ache) to give money to political causes and ballot initiatives that are in line with their values, and to inform their members of the issues that they believe must be addressed from their particular (or proudly peculiar) point of view. Steve G., our resident Jewish Guy who runs the adult forum discussions, set us all straight on that score.  Churches may not endorse candidates, or give them money, and the helpful site I found below notes that they can’t invite just one candidate to talk to the faithful, they must invite all candidates fairly (and offer space at the church for rallies even-handedly, too).

Wow, I did not know that.

Project Fair Play | Stop Illegal Church Electioneering

Quick Facts

Houses of worship may:

  • Discuss public policy issues.
  • Sponsor non-partisan voter registration and encourage voting as good civic behavior.
  • Sponsor candidate forums as long as all leading candidates are invited and a broad range of issues is discussed.
  • Urge congregants to communicate with candidates and make their concerns known to them.

Houses of worship may not

  • Issue statements endorsing or opposing candidates.
  • Donate money to a candidate.
  • Offer church space to one candidate and refuse it to another.
  • Sponsor rallies for candidates in church.

Okay then. As surprised as we were to find this out, several of us in the discussion were still very uncomfortable with the idea of a hierarchical church or clergyperson telling parishoners to give money to support a ballot measure in another state. Although it’s not illegal, it seemed unethical or an abuse of power. Steve G. was gleeful; he’d found a topic that made everyone uncomfortable and urged us to argue our point of view. It was a really stimulating conversation.

Next week, we’ll take up the issues flying around the Veep choices. I think the only issues that concern us are all with the Republican choice… I don’t think anyone really has strong feelings about Biden, but everyone has strong feelings about Palin. So we’ll explore that, and I’ll send Steve G. a link to this Project Fair Play site.

McCain: Political Dirty Trickster

In These Times – March 6, 2000 – Free Ride

Here is what happened: McCain boasted to my wife and me over lunch in Washington that he had planted complex questions with the Senate Interior Committee chairman to sabotage the testimony of Arizona Gov. Rose Mofford, a Democrat, about the Central Arizona Project, the multibillion-dollar Colorado River water delivery system for Arizona urban areas. When I protested to McCain that the project had enjoyed bipartisan support for nearly 50 years, from conservative Barry Goldwater to liberal Morris Udall, McCain retorted: “I’m duty bound to embarrass a Democrat whenever I can.”

Wait Wait… Don’t Tell Me has Leonard Nimoy!

Now listening to the beginning of WWDTM, and later on the celebrity guest is Leonard Nimoy. Can I get a W00t?!?!?!

Apparently, Mr Nimoy did our favorite news quiz the honor of showing up in person, causing the staff much joy and making the dreams of at least one total dork come true (that would be host Peter Sagal).

There’s an entire set of photos at Flickr, but this is the one that makes me go “AWWWWWWwwww!”

As Peter noted just seconds ago, if you don’t know who Nimoy is or why Sagal is so absurdly pleased about his appearance on WWDTM, “then you are dead to me.” The tenor of the show seems to follow the lead of the title of the Flickr set, otherwise known as LEONARD NIMOY OMG OMG.

Nimoy also just noted that one of the current candidates for President encountered him at a political event some time ago and flashed the Vulcan salute with a smile. He noted dryly, “It was not John McCain.”

NPR : Wait Wait… Don’t Tell Me!

Lazy Saturday Snooze


UPDATE: GRRR! Uploading a photo direct from my iPhone via the WP plugin strips out some but not all angle brackets, breaking the img tags. Sending a photo to Flickr via email, which re-directs to the blog with pre-formatted div tags, also strips angle brackets. Thirdly, using a Firefox plugin called ScribeFire to blog from my desktop computer also strips angle brackets. Only posting from the HTML editor screen within the main WP installation results in SUCCEED. The other third-party applications for sending posts with photos results in various flavors of FAIL.

XML-RPC errors in WordPress from ScribeFire

What’s New in ScribeFire 3.0.1? – ScribeFire: Fire up your blogging

The following changes were made to ScribeFire between versions 3.0 and 3.0.1.
Bug Fixes

* Added detection of disabled XML-RPC in WordPress.

This should fix many of the “Invalid username/password” errors users have been experiencing.
* Fixed bug that causing ScribeFire to ignore line-breaks in preview mode
* Fixed bug when managing ads in tab or window mode
* Fixed bug with editor background in certain themes
* Fixed bug with incorrect earnings amount
* Updated ScribeFire to show a “What’s New in this version” page after upgrading instead of just

Time for a test post: the errors I’ve been having are to do with formatting being stripped from around images and links. ALL the angle brackets get stripped if posting via method other than directly via the WP editor.

Here’s what my husband David posted earlier, let’s see if the angle brackets get stripped.

O hai I delvrd ur groshrees! No cat treats, sry.

This is a photo of Riley during his “I has a bag” phase.” It has some simple stylng added via a CSS class called floatleft

I noticed that the way ScribeFire was adding Technorati Tags before, it was adding a lot of crappy looking cruft that I just had to delete with the angle bracket error, so no tags this time.

UPDATE:Fail Chicken strikes again!

All angle brackets were stripped, not just some of them. So all the HTML is unbracketed, like DIV, A HREF, IMG, BLOCKQUOTE and so on. My husband David has logged an issue with WP, and I wonder if I won’t file one with ScribeFire, too. What fun.

UPDATE: Yep, they did get stripped, I had to go back in and fix them manually. Still broken, it appears to be a PHP bug, and the fix is currently “recompile,” which with my husband David’s setup is not really an option. Here’s his post, and here’s ticket number 7771 on WordPress’ Trac page. No action in two weeks.

UPDATE 27NOV08: My husband David solved the problem, at least temporarily, until there is a fix for the bug and describes how he did it here. It probably only really works for our particular setup.

UPDATE 14JAN09: A commenter at David’s blog noted that there’s a workaround patch today.

Barack Obama Bumper Stickers: Illinois Sticker Is Lame

Barack Obama Bumper Stickers Cool idea, but the Illinois sticker is a graphic with Obama and Biden, with a background shot of the funny red state Capitol rotunda. Where’s Lincoln? Where’s the Chicago skyline, the fertile downstate fields, or a clever recasting of the state flag? It has a rampant eagle, a Federal shield, and a really pretty golden sunburst. Can’t someone do a mix with the “O” logo, please?

Because until then, I’m from Hawaii, my “maybe someday” spiritual home.

The sticker says “Obama Ohana.” As everybody knows, “ohana” means “family.”

Via BoingBoing

Flowers for a dead President (not the one you expect)

I also wonder, what would Gerald Ford have thought if he could somehow see McCain coming to lay flowers at his grave with First Dude? …And what is Todd Palin doing there in the first place — especially when (forsaking the excellent adventure) he could be home with the baby and kids?

Ah. This is one of those “reach out to the moderates” action straight out of the playbook. Ford would be appalled, I think, by Palin’s politics, as he was appalled by the Religious Right’s co-opting of the party.

Reported this one to The General.

Radio Ephemera: Cue the Sun

Yesterday on my way in, there were few signs in my area of the weekend’s floods, although I never made it to church and we had trouble finding a way through flooded Des Plaines intersections after leaving Steve’s house.

WXRT was playing “Here Comes The Sun.” Obvious choice.

Then there was a short clip from The Truman Show. The godlike Director said,

“Cue the Sun.”

And then they played Radiohead; I think it was “climbing the walls House Of Cards.” An unsettling, crashing, creepily apocalyptic choice, just as I crossed the bridge over Salt Creek, which flooded farther to the south. Because the song said, “your infrastructure will collapse.”

I think I’ll have to get more Radiohead in iTunes. Creepy good stuff.

Robert F. Kennedy Jr.: Governor Palin’s Reading List

Robert F. Kennedy Jr.: Governor Palin’s Reading List

Fascist writer Westbrook Pegler, an avowed racist who Sarah Palin approvingly quoted in her acceptance speech for the moral superiority of small town values, expressed his fervent hope about my father, Robert F. Kennedy, as he contemplated his own run for the presidency in 1965, that “some white patriot of the Southern tier will spatter his spoonful of brains in public premises before the snow flies.”

It might be worth asking Governor Palin for a tally of the other favorites from her reading list.

And that shocking revelation is just one more for the pile. Maybe Gov. Palin should actually READ the books on her reading list – the one that was handed to her with her “VP Barbie Pretty in Pink” goodie bag.