- Redheads
- Former GOP Rep. Joe Walsh: We Need to Begin Profiling ‘Young Muslim Men’ | Video Cafe
- Can 3D save the PC industry? – Hypergrid Business
- lf0y_psds.zip Eloh Elliott’s male skin
- Splendor Skin by Sezmra Svarog | OpenSim Creations
Alternative to Eloh Elliott open source skin
- Norwich mosaics: Royal Arcade
Many Art Nouveau treasures!
- Kent Fletcher – Naval training – humor
This is truly charming and funny – a landlocked Naval Reserve center that came up with a creative way to keep up on training
- Millions of middle-class jobs disappearing | CapeCodOnline.com
- Rigging models in Blender 2.64 – a workflow – SLUniverse Forums
- Mesh Textures: A message for all skin and clothing creators – Cyanide’s Mesh Applicator Script
- Merged Alpha Layers That Don’t Flicker in Second Life by Jopsy Pendragon
Another 'secret' building trick I learned a while back creates merged alpha layers … that don't flicker!
Try this yourself:
CREATE: a sphere
DUPLICATE it (press Ctrl-D, or shift-drag to copy)TEXTURE the spheres with the Library textures:
"Waterfall – dense layer 1" and "Rock – Heavy Moss"Just for fun, add this script to the sphere with the waterfall texture:
Del.icio.us Links: January 21st – April 24th