Fake Reality: Cryptid, The Swamp Beast

It’s shot like a reality show, but it’s scripted. Supposedly based on real interviews and reenacted, it’s about a Louisiana mystery beast called the “rougarou” that various law enforcement and other investigators are tryiing to track down becausue it’s been killing animals. Then a body is found, and 2 guys are missing. There’s multiple cameras, a soundtrack, complicated technology (thermal cameras, helicopters), and it moves along briskly.

At least there’s not a lot of the endless repetition of what’s gone before, at the begining of each segment after one of the (many) commercial breaks. I’ve been watching a lot of crappy “reality” shows lately, mostly the ones with “secrets” or “mystery” in the title, because they’re very hootworthy. However, this fake reality show is at least entertaining.

egends of strange, unidentified creatures that stretch back for centuries. In the Northwest, many credible people swear to have sighted Bigfoot. Near Lake Champlain, locals have sworn up and down to seeing a strange, prehistoric-like creature in the water. And down south in the swamplands, it’s no different–some of the most deep-rooted and fearsome monster stories have endured. In the new original series Cryptid: The Swamp Beast, one of America’s oldest mysteries and bone-chilling legends comes to life through dramatizations, eyewitness accounts, real news reports a

via About Cryptid: The Swamp Beast – HISTORY.com.

Glenn Beck: Those Dangerous Mormons

I can't even, with this guy. Growing up in Utah, I know first hand what it's like when the Charch(tm) runs the Gummint. Just the thought of Romney running again, and meeting with Jeb in Utah (so handy for introducing him to the Higher Ups), makes me uncomfortable.

Glenn Beck Warns Against Those Dangerous Mormons Who Want To ‘Mix The Gospel With Government’
Potential Republican presidential candidates Jeb Bush and Mitt Romney are scheduled to have a private meeting today in Salt Lake City, Utah, and even though this is reportedly a social meeting that wa

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If It Walks Like A Dolt, And Talks Like A Dolt

… It's Bryan Fischet spouting off again.
He thinks that to be gay, or to support LGBT rights, is not to be Christian. Well, I am a Christian who supports gay rights, and I worship weekly in a Christian church that welcomes gays and supports their rights, and I take the bread and wine that symbolizes Christ from the hands of a Christian priest who happens to be gay.

I think Bryan Fischer is not a Christian, because he rejects instead of welcoming, he condemns instead of forgiving, he judges instead of accepting.

However, I do think he's a dolt.

Obama Is ‘Not A Christian’ Because He ‘Celebrates’ The Gay Community, Pundit Claims
The American Family Association’s Bryan Fischer has taken aim at President Barack Obama over lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) issues once again, Right Wing Watch is reporting.

Fischer, whose opposition to the LGBT community is well-e…

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The Soft Side of Republicanism

I also noticed the remarkable things Carly Fiorina said on the Bill Maher show about income inequality.

Yet when she was asked a direct question (I think by Jay Leno) about Republican failures to improve things, she brushed it off. No answer, next warm and reasonable talking point.

By the way, Paul Begala was hilarious, earning an awed thumbs up and a wink from Leno on one point.

I believe Fiorina is trying a little too hard to look like she'd like to be asked to jump in the Republican clown car.

Carly Fiorina Is Suddenly Concerned About Income Inequality
Appearing on Bill Maher’s show, Fiorina played the populist card. Awkwardly.

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Illinois Colder Than Hell, Not Colder Than Mars Last Week

"4. Parts of Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Montana, New Hampshire, upstate New York, North Dakota, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Vermont, Washington, Wisconsin, and nearly all of Maine and Minnesota were colder than Mars on Thursday."

10 things we didn’t know last week
Benedict Cumberbatch and King Richard III are cousins, and more nuggets.

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IBM Declares Steampunk Next Big Thing

…about 6 or 7 years after it became a standard look, with its own vocabulary, fashions, and architectural aesthetic in virtual worlds like Second Life, OpenSim, etc.

I make steampunk hats and things that are no big deal, but the scripted gadgets and silly weapons and vehicles in Second Life are clever, hilarious, and great fun.

Community Post: The 6 Rules Of Steampunk Fashion
IBM has declared Steampunk fashion to be the next big trend, so it’s time to learn its rules!

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