Helluva Week, Governor Quinn!

A huge sigh of relief went up as news commentators and pundits everywhere realized they wouldn’t have to try to pronounce or spell “Blagojevich” so much any more.


Wow, what just happened? There was so much stuff going on this week, and I never really sat down in the evenings to sum up.

Actually, the last two weeks have been pretty hectic, what with all the Washington hoopla last week, and the Springfield hoopla this week. The former was an occasion of great and redemptive joy, and the latter was an occasionally redemptive embarassment. Srsly, G-Rod? STHU!

Although, I will admit that the #Blagojevich #haiku poetry channel has been a wonderful source of comfort and hilarity.

Yesterday, I pretty much monitored the ongoing saga at the Illinois state capitol all day. My work buddy Gio and I cheered when Governor Quinn was sworn in. Frustratingly, all the good stuff happened when we had to take incoming calls, but we saw the big action at the end of the day. I’ve been catching up on the columnists today, like Zorn and Kass. It was Kass that noted that one legislator didn’t speak very loudly when voting to convict in the impeachment tribunal… I had noticed that too. Kind of creepy.

I hope the new governor makes good on his inaugural speech to make this year one of reform rather than incessant grandstanding, fundraising, and campaigning. But the signs are good that soon Blago will be only a bad memory.

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