What Is An Inculturated Liturgy?

I just received a bulletin in the mail for Holy Moly and St Nicholas – it’s the Advent newsletter, which is traditionally mailed out just before the beginning of the season by someone at St Nick’s. Something caught my eye, and I went looking for a definition.

At the outset, we are going to seek to develop two strong liturgies — a more mainstream one i n the tradition of Holy Innocents and a more inculturated one using the platform of the current St Nicholas liturgy.

Which of course, confuses me – there is no such word. Yet, the word “inculturated” appears in the titles of several books, mostly to do with theology, anthropology, and the like. As the person who wrote this item is a divinity student, I think I know where he picked up this word. Yet, it does not appear to be in the OED.

In the course of which, I found the Inculturated website.

So. I take it “a more inculturated” liturgy would be one infused with the unique character of the community? Or one that takes on new aspects?

Meanwhile, meetings have taken place, and the diocese is up to speed with our plans. They think we’re nuts for wanting to take our 8-ton altar with us (one lady insists it’s 88 tons, but if it were, it’d be in the basement), I think, but they say they are “intrigued” by the idea.

Man. We’re so worried about all our old bits of post-modern church tat. I’ll be glad when we get through the Season of Advent, which is going to be rather fraught. I skipped church on Sunday, a thing I shouldn’t have done, because I was just exhausted. Haven’t been sleeping much lately.

Sunday is the big visit by the Bishop at St Nicholas, and so I hope to take a lot of photos. I’m a bad girl, though, because I’ve skipped a bunch of choir practices and… maybe missed another one tonight.

I’m going to bed.

What We Watch

We own a TiVo. We watch pretty much what we want to watch, when we want to watch it. I knew we were concentrating on just one of the "Big Three," with the rest of our time watching various cable networks, but I had no idea how cut and dried it was until I saved some links in my "Friends" plugin for WordPress. 

No shows watched.

No shows watched.

7 shows watched

Amazing Race (David leaves the room)
Criminal Minds

FOX: (meh on their news division)
2 shows watched


CSI:Vegas reruns, if nothing else is on

Food Network
Good Eats

Discovery Channel

Doctor Who
Stargate: Atlantis
Stargate SG1
eurEka (on hiatus)

My husband David watches Battlestar Galactica and Smallville as well.  

Currently on hiatus:

TNT (they know drama)
The Closer

Library Thing: The Unsuggester and the Anti-Tolkien

Via Pazzo Blog » Blog Archive » Books you’ll never read:

Instead of suggesting books you might like to buy, based on what you've bought before, Library Thing has the Unsuggester – plug in a book you've read or you own, and it comes back with a list of books you probably would not want to read.

The Lord of the Rings (Collector's Edition)

So I plugged in one of my all-time favorite books…and found that apparently, Mary Higgins Clark is the Anti-Tolkien.


Donut day


My great-niece Paige working on a batch of donuts to celebrate the first big snow.

Ranny sent me a picture via cameraphone to let me know that it was Donut Day in their area – meaning that the first big snow of the season was falling, and that they were making donuts to celebrate. They got a foot, in fact, which definitely makes it The Official First Snow of the Season. This was a tradition that Mom started some time in the misty (or snowy) past; every year she’d try to make them better than ever. I never got the hang of it although in high school I used to help cut the donuts and holes and
drop them in the fryer.

When the snow would start to fly, Mom’s phone would ring off the hook with calls from all over: “Are you making the donuts??” Over the years, she became rather strict in her assessment as to whether the snow was heavy enough to “stick” and was therefore officially The First (Big)((Heavy Enough To Stick))(((No Grass Showing Through))) Snow of the Season.

I am in a quandary about donuts. I donut know how to make ’em, I donut have a fryer, and I donut have a recipe. However, I feel a genetic imperative to do some sort of baking or make something memorable to mark the first snow, otherwise, I’ll be really bummed out this year with no call from Mom.

After I left college I was never again home for donut day, so I’d these triumphant calls from her or my sisters that it was Donut Day and that everybody (but me) was headed over.

Via: Flickr Title: Donut day By: GinnyRED57

Originally uploaded: 26 Nov ’06, 6.28pm CST PST


I’m Having A Bad O.J. Flashback

Popping Off: Its up to us to put an end to the O.J. frenzy

“If I Did It.”

That’s a heck of a title for a ghostwritten book about how O.J. Simpson would have killed two people who many believe he did kill in 1994.

One was his ex-wife, Nicole Brown Simpson, with whom he had two children, Sydney and Justin. The other was her friend, Ron Goldman. Both were found in a bloody heap in the courtyard of the condo complex where she lived.

I’m having a flashback to a year that was a big turning point for me, and the whole OJ story was in the background and sometimes the foreground that whole year.

I used to live in Seattle, and this article is from a Seattle-Tacoma paper. My former boss was the sort of person who would become consumed by whatever big, lurid murder story was in the news, and all conversation in the office was nothing but endless speculation and conjecture, with no grisly detail omitted.

1994 was the last full year that I lived in Seattle as a completely single woman. I met my husband David late that fall, and within a few months, we were a long-distance couple

But before I met David, I was trapped in a job that I didn’t like, working for someone who prattled endlessly about whatever her current fixations were in the news, and how to transform her business, but she never actually settled down to do much work. And that year, it was OJ, and earlier the same year, it was a big murder case involving someone she knew slightly. Every interaction she’d ever had with
the victim in the latter case was repeated endlessly, and over-analyzed until I was ready to scream. Meanwhile, the TV was always on because her school-age sons same to the office after classes. Although they lived in a distant neighborhood, they had the boys in school near work. It was partly practical, and partly snob appeal; she wanted her kids to go to a nicer, more socially acceptable Catholic school than the one nearer their home. Also, the interaction with the other parents at fundraising
events and science fairs was supposed to be good for business.

But I digress. I remember watching the slow-speed chase of the white Bronco all too well; we had no choice but to be glued to the TV, because it was at the end of the workday and it was on all the channels anyway. Remember? There was nothing else to watch but OJ that day.

5 years before that, it was all Ted Bundy, all the time. Every possible encounter my former boss might have had was relentlessly dissected. He was active in both Washington State and Utah in the late Seventies, and I have to admit that I knew of someone in Utah who thought Ted Bundy had followed them home once. Ted Bundy was every woman’s ultimate bogeyman, the attractive killer who appears to need your help. We spent a year discussing his last murders, his arrest, and his trial before he was executed.
I had read the book by Anne Rule, you see. And then I stirred the pot by discussing the most famous murder case from my former town, because I knew several people connected with the Diane Downs case, including a prosecutor and a social services volunteer who had met her surviving kids.

It seemed all we ever did in that office was discuss gory murders or sexy scandals, and occasionally were interrupted by phone calls or visits from clients. It wasn’t a healthy work environment.

So I had that to look forward to, working in that office – every year, the next sensational murder trial, the big lurid news story, on and on.

And what do I think, ultimately, about OJ? There is no “if” in my mind. The investigation was screwed up, the trial was screwed up, all the little players screwed up the timeline, the evidence was manipulated in court, and of course they never found the damn knife. But of course he did it, and for him to go through with this ludicrous “If I Did It” project, and for Fox/Murdoch to have actually contemplated putting it on the air is deeply offensive to me.

Of course he did it. And I’m tired of hearing about it. And I agree, we should stop paying OJ any money, or any attention, ever again.

If You Thought Seven Dwarves Were Tough To Remember

((deep, raspy Movie Guy voice))

In a world where evil trolls lie in wait, thirsting for blood, and cruel goblins lurk deep under the middle-Earth, a great treasure lies at the end of an arduous journey…guarded by… a dragon.

They are not heroes… they are not mighty warriors. They are refugees on a quest to reclaim their golden birthright. But they've got a problem…  thirteen of them. Bad luck. 

They're about to change their luck… by taking on one more traveler, who has no idea what fate awaits him… right after a wild, crazy, and quite unexpected party. Underground.

Tom Cruise, in the role he was born to play… on a mission more impossible, a riskier business, than ever. He's the maverick, swashbuckling, barrel-riding thief who's out to grab for the golden Ring. Tom Cruise… isBilbo Baggins.


Thirteen Dwarves

[tags]The Hobbit, Peter Jackson, Hollywood, Dreck[/tags]

Introducing WMPtunelog | minimal verbosity

Introducing WMPtunelog | minimal verbosity

And now for the final little niggling thing – the applet that puts the currently playing track at the bottom of posts in ecto wasn't working after I built the new profile for WordPress. Let's see if it still thinks it was the last thing I played and posted about before the change in software from MT.

UPDATE: I tried to re-install this plug-in, and now I've screwed up iTunes. Some, but not all of my music purchased online is no longer authorized, and although I have access to the iTunes store, some tracks won't play at all, and some tracks won't play only if accessed through the playlist I had open at the time I started screwing around, Ginny's Faves.

I think I'll read a nice book.

[tags]ecto, WordPress, iTunes, Woe Is Me[/tags] 




Saves and Publishes from Ecto to WP « WordPress Support

Ecto to WP « WordPress Support”>Saves and Publishes from Ecto to WP « WordPress Support

Another “tinkering with the blog” post; I was trying to figure out why drafts weren’t showing up in ecto.

Although ecto’s support person thought it was that WordPress doesn’t return “draft” as a post status – which I already knew, it shows drafts as “published,” but at least it shows them once they’re saved – it was actually a timestamp problem.

The options page had the timestamp off by 2 hours, and thus drafts were showing a time 2 hours in the future, and not showing up when ecto “called” for the most current post list. If I went onto WordPress and published, it picked up the correct current time from my computer… I think.

I’ve re-set the options page to the right offset from the Universal Time Code, which ought to be -6. Now I have to test a couple of other drafts. The point of this is so that I can use the “Press It!” quick posting bookmarklet to start a post that I can then finish in ecto.

“Wish me luck, I’m off to crash the server!”