I had to go to our other location today and try to swap out one of our brand new Windows XP computers for a somewhat older computer at the “onsite.” This project was laid upon me late yesterday, and I was told to go out today after lunch.

Turns out that the lady at the onsite would really, really have preferred I come out in the morning, and I was missing half the technical info I needed, and had to call the “hardware” help desk twice, and learned way, way more about how SABRE sets connect together (physically putting the computer together was easy. Configuring it to connect to the system, printers, and have valid macro files was another).

What rare bliss is this – I get to go back out there tomorrow morning because we found yet another hurdle (one of a series: collect ’em all!) that prevented me from finishing.

At least I got out of there at a reasonable time, but the other lady was running late. Another reason to say “arrrrgh” and also “grr” because I didn’t know, my supe didn’t know, and we thought there would be no problem if I got there late in the afternoon. Oh, well.

And it was too late in the day to take pictures with my good camera, so this is it. Me making an “arrrrrgh!” face.

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