Pre-Debate Jitters

I’ve been happy that AAR got around to offering a Windows Media stream; I couldn’t listen to Real Audio at work and the alternative feed via KPOJ in Portland didn’t carry Randi Rhodes in the afternoon. Lately, I’ve been listening to Al Franken off and on (and watching his weekly highlights on Sundance) but had fallen out of the habit of listening to anyone else, including Randi.

Yeah, she’s abrasive, but sometimes you need that to scour the crud out of the old pipes, ya know? And every now and then, she plays that goofy “Bounce Your Boobies” song. Gotta love that.

Hard Work, or Workin’ Hard?

Heard at choir practice yesterday: my choir dominatrice brought in a CD she found in her yard after she put up a Kerry/Edwards sign. It had a little orange sticker that said, approximately (and somewhat incoherently):



he must be elected!

Weird, eh? It’s a teen-boy prank, of course. There’s been a rash of signs torn and burned on both sides of the political fence, all over the country, and it’s my opinion that it’s snot-nosed kids. I wonder if I’ll get a free CD if I put up a lawn sign?? I’ve been thinking about putting up an Obama sign, a Bean sign, and a Kerry one if available, but the local Dem office says they’ve only got the first two available.

Heard on the way in to work: WXRT played a great little song called “Hard Work,” which is available off of the Harry Shearer: Le Show website. Yep, political commentary, I bet they got a lot of calls.

Well, I thought it was funny. Catchy tune, and great chorus, not terribly danceable though. It made me chuckle because when Pop would get home from work, Mom would ask him “Work hard, or hardly workin?” so she could figure out if he was tuckered out, or willing to do some chore or other. He’d answer “Hardly workin,” and tackle whatever it was, or “Work hard,” and she’d send him to his recliner to relax for a while.

Trib: Crane Out, Bean In

When Republican leaders passed over Rep. Phil Crane for the chairmanship of the House Ways and Means Committee in 2001, it was a clear signal that they didn’t trust him with a prominent role in Congress. Crane might have taken the hint–after three decades of modest achievement in the House, it was time to leave. But he didn’t.

seatwarmer.gifI’ve been waiting for the opportunity to vote against Crane ever since moving to Illinois. Never seemed viable until recently, though. But owing to the massive amount of growth and increased diversity in the suburbs, the formerly lily-white Repub strongholds in the “collar counties” and suburbs ringing Chicago have trended more Democratic… a LOT more democratic. In the last election, when Melissa Bean gave him a bad scare, Crane barely squeaked back into office. This year, she’s got more money, more support, more mojo, and the greatest political fundraising tchotchke ever: “CRANE: The Original Seat Warmer” stadium cushions. They’re sold out, but you can still contribute.

Meanwhile, Crane hasn’t had much to say about the “excessive junket travel” scandal. He’s a social conservative, though his “official” congressional website doesn’t mention that.

Synergy Quintet Concert October 17th

groupbw3half.jpgLess than a week before the concert at Holy Moly. I’m doing some more updating of the church website to add this image, which I adapted from Synergy‘s website. I hope that’s going to be okay with Chris and the rest of the musicians; I needed a clean image that reproduced well, and most of the other ones were either too dark, or too “busy” to translate to greyscale well. Also, many of them had text that was white on black, so again kind of hard to reproduce (in addition to using a ton of toner).

This one got run through Photoshop Elements – I think I ended up running it through an “Equalize” filter after inverting, or vicey-vercey. Anyway, it reproduces really, really well on light blue paper, which got made up into full and half-size fliers. Still have more to drop off.

Then after that we have to work on the stewardship campaign in November. I’m willing to get up and talk, something that none of the others appear to enjoy (or actively dread).

Mitch: Major Improv-ment

No, that’s not misspelled. Earlier today we went to see David’s brother Mitch perform improv with the rest of his class at Second City.

If you click on the gallery link and also click “slideshow” you’ll get a quick overview of a couple of games – one that included Mitch and two others who were portraying characters in various kinds of movies, a couple of other games starring other people in his class, and the big group game at the end, “Story, Story, DIE!”

Mitch is the one in the purple shirt.

No, not that one, the other one. No, the other other one. The one holding the gun, and later the ukulele.

The final game had a shaggy dog premise – it starts with a non-existent story title suggested by the audience, and each player has to continue the story without hesitation, stumbling, or otherwise screwing up when the leader points at them. It goes very fast, and the pressure is on. Meanwhile, if the audience senses you choked, or just doesn’t like where you take the story, they scream “DIE!” Then the leader suggests an ordinary object or takes a suggestion, and you must figure out a way to die creatively.

Mitch fluffed, and was forced to endure “Death By Ukulele.” He got laughs for quickly figuring out a way to die that did not involve anything obvious, like strangling on the strings. No, he said it’s “just too embarassing” as he mimed playing; “if his friends knew he played the uke, he’d just die.” Then he noticed the audience as if for the first time, and expired on the spot.

The shaggy-dog story was totally snarled up by the time they got to the last comic-in-training standing. Her job was to come up with a wrap-up “moral of the story,” but she fluffed her opening, so we all screamed “DIE!” When we greeted Mitch afterwards, of course, it was “Mitch! One thing to say to you – DIE!” Pretty funny, since he actually improvved in the “movie genre” game that his mother was dead (it was supposed to be a ‘chick flick’, with three male characters, so he figured someone had to die). His mother was remarked later that she was very surprised to hear it. Heh.

It was a fun time – two classes put on a 25 minute program each, so it was just under an hour. He’s got one more class, and then he’s finished with this level.

Got Wood?

gotwood.jpgAnd meanwhile, over at eBay, you can buy some wood on the Internets, cheap! Here, a small business owner holds a product sample up during a recent infomercial.

If you do nothing else, scroll down at the auction site and read the Q and A – they are friggin’ hilarious. my husband David and I posted one about whether wood can be used in nuclear, chemical, or biolgical weapons, and we’re anxiously awaiting the answer. I suspect that Jesus’ General has gotten in with a question before us: there is a rather suspicious query about “little soldiers” and whether the questioner’s wife would get splinters.

via Boing Boing but I first ran across it in the comments at Frolic and Detour, blog of Miss Alli’s real-life alter ego, Linda.

OMG! It’s Rock ‘Em Sock ‘Em Robots!

rockemsockem.jpgDid I call it or what? Rock ‘Em Sock ‘Em! Expect the lawn inflatables in stores by the week before Election Day.

The Keith Olbermann (MSNBC) blow-by-blow blogging of the debate last night (linked via the image) is pretty funny – scroll to the bottom and read up to read it in chrono order. He also noted some details about people in the audience and what will probably be Bush’s most inconsequential, but most widely blogged gaffe. All over Blogistan, people are gleefully snarking “He called it ‘the internets!’ Hee, hee!”

And for the record, I’m a baby-boomer, and I got it, so there. If I don’t have a conflict, I’m going to log in to Olbermann’s next blow-by-blow for the final debate.

He caught a lot of the odd little things I did, making me feel way smart (as in S-M-R-T). Such as Bush’s pronunciation of the state as “Missoura.” My mom does that, too, because she lived in St. Louis during the Second World War. One of the post-debate commentators on CNN last night caught it too, and said that it was a “fightin’ word” depending on what part of the state you’re from. I wonder what that’s about?

Something That Didn’t Go Boom

Security forces in the southern Afghan city of Kandahar say they have thwarted an attack that could have killed hundreds of people.
A tanker carrying 40,000 litres of fuel and packed with explosives was intercepted on the eve of the country’s first direct presidential elections.

Okay, I imagine things are a little hairy over in the Spook Think Tanks just now, but they must be relieved over this one. All this stuff blowin’ up is a little nerve-wracking on the eve of the elections, and the US Residential debate, and so on.

I’m sure the Repubs are feeling even more unsafe than usual.

Unsafe! The world is unsafe! Sheesh, duh.

Aw! It’s The TARcon Recap

Couch Baron and I agree to go to the party together, and about thirty seconds after he picks me up, I say this to him: “When it is 1:00 in the morning and I am cursing myself for wearing these shoes, you should feel free to remind me of this moment, which was my opportunity to go back to the hotel room and put on the perfectly sensible pair of black pumps that are under the edge of the bed right now.”

“Got it,” he says.

It’s been a while since I checked, but Miss Alli posted a recap of TARcon, the TAR finale party in New York, at TWOP.

Tackle Out, Honey Bunny!

LONDON (Reuters) – Help is at hand for foreign doctors working in Yorkshire whose patients complain of sore “lugholes” or say they’re feeling “jiggered” and can’t stop “gipping”.

Health officials in Doncaster, South Yorkshire have compiled a guide of local dialect and slang to help a group of seven Austrian doctors — all fluent English speakers — better understand their sometimes thickly accented patients.

I miss Yorkshire. I loved hearing the local dialect when we were there last year. The last entry in my travel journal is staring me in the face from last year – literally propped up in front of the keyboard at home all this time, awaiting inspiration and a whole lot more photos to edit.

Other terms include “doofer” for penis, “tackle” for testicles and “popped his clogs” for dead.

Very useful information – I knew about “wedding tackle” but “doofer” is new to me. Well, that’s not strictly true, but never mind about that now.

As yesterday was the 10th anniversary of the day we met, my husband David and I are going out to dinner. I’m happy to have all these interesting new topics to keep the conversation peppy. 😉