OMG! It’s Rock ‘Em Sock ‘Em Robots!

rockemsockem.jpgDid I call it or what? Rock ‘Em Sock ‘Em! Expect the lawn inflatables in stores by the week before Election Day.

The Keith Olbermann (MSNBC) blow-by-blow blogging of the debate last night (linked via the image) is pretty funny – scroll to the bottom and read up to read it in chrono order. He also noted some details about people in the audience and what will probably be Bush’s most inconsequential, but most widely blogged gaffe. All over Blogistan, people are gleefully snarking “He called it ‘the internets!’ Hee, hee!”

And for the record, I’m a baby-boomer, and I got it, so there. If I don’t have a conflict, I’m going to log in to Olbermann’s next blow-by-blow for the final debate.

He caught a lot of the odd little things I did, making me feel way smart (as in S-M-R-T). Such as Bush’s pronunciation of the state as “Missoura.” My mom does that, too, because she lived in St. Louis during the Second World War. One of the post-debate commentators on CNN last night caught it too, and said that it was a “fightin’ word” depending on what part of the state you’re from. I wonder what that’s about?

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