She’s No Fun, She Fell Right Over

Hey! Guess what happened next? Yep, I was upstairs talking on the phone while standing on the stairs between the kitchen and the family room, and I was stupidly wearing some clog-like leather shoes with sticky soles. I was sideways and started to slip off the tread, but the shoe stuck in place and I rolled over my left foot and hit the floor with a very solid thumping sound.

Stupid me, David was frantically asking if I was hurt, and I’m all like “The phone! Get the phone! I was talking to Chris!” because I was in the process of finalizing details for the concert at church in two weeks.

By the way, would anybody like to come to our concert on October 17th with Synergy Quintet? 4 pm at Holy Molydessert will be served afterwards.

So anyway, we went off to the emergency room at a nearby Catholic hospital, and I just had one niggling complaint: when they were registering me (and man, do they ever go over your insurance and ID a bunch of times to make sure it’s right) the registration nurse asked if I wanted to have her fill in the “religion” box, and I promptly said “Episcopalian!” And her response totally confounded me: “Oh. That’s not one you hear very often.”

WTF??? Yes, you heard me, that’s what I thought, because I am a liberal Christian. So I replied, not missing a beat: “Well, we’re right here in (insert faceless suburb here).” Dang, I’m definitely mentioning that one to Father Ted. I told my church buddy Katie about it, and she thought it was sort of disturbing, but doesn’t know which of the area parishes “covers” that hospital for visitations. One more little detail for raising our visibility, I guess.

Seriously, I’ve got a lot of leg work to do this week and a gimpy foot is not cool. I’m home today, probably tomorrow too. I’m taking a break from icing the foot (the worst part of it is on the top, to the lower left – I think the area called the tarsals) and it’s propped up, but I shouldn’t spend too much time down in the basement Lair O’ Computers, because I really need to keep the foot elevated higher today.

I did something like this in about 1981… New Year’s Eve. I was wearing wooden clogs then, too, and performed a similar rollover on the same foot. That time, I didn’t have health insurance and thought that I couldn’t go to the emergency room, since I couldn’t afford to pay full price. The pain then was much worse and I recall feeling like I wanted to crawl away from it and hide. But still, I continued with my plans and went out with friends, with my foot propped up in a chair and a bag of ice on it.

Like I said, stupid. I often preface reminiscences with “When I was young and dumb,” and that was one of those times.

Anyway, the X-rays at the emergency room came back with no fresh break, but they could see a bone chip that confused them, because the edges were smooth and worn rather than sharp and jagged. I had already informed them of the previous rollover, so after some discussion they decided it was a chip off the old bone, so to speak.

I’ve got some emails that I can send, and will be going over some fax numbers and things today tonight and tomorrow for getting the word out about the concert. I can make phone calls, too. So it’s not so bad.

Also, there are Farscape reruns to watch, during the run-up to the big movie that will be on the SciFi channel, so I don’t lack for entertainment, either.

It’s just going to be hellish when I get back to work, which will probably be Wednesday. Not looking forward to that. Fortunately, nothing terribly horrible hanging fire at the moment.

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