La Grand Jatte

We’re going to the Art Institute on July 10th to see “Evolution of La Grande Jatte.”David’s parents are members and his mom loves to include us when she gets tickets to the big shows. It’s always a pleasant outing – we generally drive in, meet them on the steps if it’s a nice day, do the special exhibit, and head off for lunch. If there’s time we browse other temporary exhibits. The last time we went, my MIL and I wandered off to find the Mesopotamian section, because I think at the time we were in the process of invading Iraq, and antiquities had been plundered. So we found solace and hope in seeing sibling antiquities that were quite safe, but also got a little depressed about the thought of all the gorgeous artifacts that had been lost. Fortunately, many of the plundered treasures were later found or returned. Sadly, some were not. The Oriental Institute’s Iraq Museum Database continues to track information and take reports as of this date.

Perhaps after we get through with the Seurat exhibition we can wander over to visit the Mesopotamian section of the Art Institute again.

And while we’re there, it appears they have a new collection up this summer about Japan.

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