Playing Catchup

With limited ability to stay current with some of the blogs I read, I had to content myself with scanning headlines in Bloglines a time or two. But not all of the blogs I read have RSS feeds, and my connection was so slow using dialup at Mom’s house on the laptop that I just had to bide my time and wonder what people were doing.

For example, Ben Saunders is still on the ice.

A couple of new entries at “Learning Moveable Type” – thanks, Elise!

Clack is gloating over AOL’s new anti-spam tactic – raffle off the spammer’s swag! Hee, &etc., good one! Funny, when I was a volunteer on the “MailTeam” at AOL about 7 years ago, they didn’t give a damn about spam (and couldn’t tell me just what part of the headers the “mail controls” targeted for blocking unwanted email). Now AOL really gives a damn. I guess one beeeeelion junk emails per year (and growing) really messes with your systems and makes you want to actually do something about the problem, AOL… after ignoring member complaints back when you could have REALLY done something about spam.

There’s a lot of backblog to wade through – but now, sleep in my very own bed. With my very own hubby.

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