::perk!:: B5 News?

Thus spake JMS:

The only things I can say right now about B5:TMoS is that now that all the correct agreements have been signed, sealed and delivered, the draft has gone in, met with great enthusiasm all around, notes have been received, and the next draft is in process and has to be delievered within two weeks so that certain other steps can be set into motion.

I still can’t tell you what it *is* because that has to come from the proper people through the proper channels at the proper time…but I can tell you a few cases of what it *isn’t*…it isn’t a novel, or a short story, a comic, an animated series, a radio drama or a stage play. Beyond that, deponent sayeth not

TLAs: JMS = Joseph Michael Straczynski, creator of Babylon 5, etc.

B5:TMoS = unknown, but the list of guesses is here, and JMS says one of them is right.
I’m holding out for “The Meaning of Spoo.”
(holy cow, everybody’s reposting this – it’s more for hubby David’s delight than for anything else)

Thanks to ***Dave for the heads up.

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