Leisure and Hubbub and hello, 11th year of the 21st Century!

I ended up getting the day off as it’s pretty slow at work, but instead of a quiet day at home with my husband David and Mr. Rileycat, working on any one of dozens of vaguely important projects, I’m bouncing from place to place in the house.

The cleaning service showed up today after all (David couldn’t remember if he’d cancelled them for this week) and so they’re bustling around and I’m doing my best to either keep ahead of them (last minute cleanup job on the stovetop, catbox, dishwasher) or stay out of the way.

Seems to be working okay, for now.

I have a new doctor, I think.  I just spent the better part of 10 days just trying to get a freaking STANDING PRESCRIPTION filled. It’s partly my fault – I missed an appointment with my previous doctor (oops, sorry) and his policy is to mark his prescriptions “no refill.”

He would only write 1 prescription for the maximum 90 days the insurance formulary allows, and he won’t post-date scrips so you can get a year’s worth of routine scrips all in one visit. He insisted that he needed to see me monthly – which he most certainly did not, as my blood pressure was controlled well and the other things (allergies, occasional sinus infections) are also pretty “business as usual” for me when the weather changes. I was lucky if I could get in quarterly, given how difficult it is to get a Saturday appointment and not take unpaid time or sick time (I have plenty of sick time, though).

Forget being ACTUALLY sick, though; he has 2 offices, won’t prescribe over the phone, and won’t refill if you aren’t calling the office your (paper) chart resides at.  To get a refill on an off day, I’d have to go into the even more inconveniently located office.

Grr. Been down this road before. An old friend (who is recuperating from a nasty bug) responded to my recent Facebook plea for a recommendation for a doctor located in the 21st century, and I have a week to go until I meet my new medica (note – she is female, YAY! (yay)! ).

Not only that – she’s in a multi-doc practice, and they use electronic records, and email, and have a web page.  They’re open 6 – SIX!! – days a week, and have evening hours. And I didn’t have to wait long for my initial visit. I do have to fill out the new patient forms that I downloaded off their patient portal… and later after my blood work is done (there’ll probably be blood work to establish a baseline) I will log into the portal to see the results. No more calling (but mostly forgetting) to call the “right” office on the “right” day and waiting to speak to “Doctor” (his staff all just call him “Doctor,” like his last name is “Who,” or something).  No, I just log in and get the information any time I want.

Can you imagine? I love living in the future.