One Billionaire Could Buy The Presidency; Why Bother With Elections?

This news item disturbs me for several reasons. I’ve been thinking about it for days. Then on last night’s Real Time with Bill Maher Adelson’s name came up, so I thought I’d get this draft up.

Sheldon Adelson is also, far and away, the biggest patron of Newt Gingrich’s surging Republican presidential bid. Adelson and his wife, Miriam, have pumped $10 million into a political action committee backing Gingrich that is run by the former House speaker’s onetime aides. Campaign finance experts say the two $5 million contributions are among the largest known political donations in U.S. history.

No other candidate in the race for president appears to be relying so heavily on the fortune of a single donor. It’s been made possible by last year’s Supreme Court rulings – known as Citizens United – that recast the political landscape by stripping away restrictions on contributions and how outside groups can spend their money.
Sheldon Adelson is Citizens United come to life.
“The bottom line is that it creates that potential for one person to have far more influence than any one person should have,” said Fred Wertheimer, president of the campaign finance watchdog group Democracy 21.

Farther down in that article, you’ll see that Adelson is also well known for being a major donor to Birthright Israel, which a family member has participated in (and who had good experiences, but came home with colorful opinions and a slight Israeli accent).

So why does Adelson love him some Gingrich? It’s some weird political symbiosis thing.

If you watch the Real Time episode, you’ll be left with two questions: Who is Saul Alinsky (Siri couldn’t figure it out) and who the hell is Kennedy and why is she so annoying?
Link: Newt Gingrichs Presidential Fortunes Aided By Billionaire Casino Mogul Sheldon Adelson – The Huffington Post

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One thought on “One Billionaire Could Buy The Presidency; Why Bother With Elections?

  1. In England we believe that democracy should be for everybody not just the rich. So we have very strict rules about how much money can be spent on electioneering both by parties and individuals. Added to this we have strict rules about the amount of TV time each party gets and laws stopping TV companies from favouring one party over another. It works. By restricting the freedom to pervert democracy we have created a system where almost everybody has the freedom to take part in it and on an equal footing.

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