Whew. Our nearest Starbucks isn’t closing, but…

… a lot of them are being closed in areas that tend to appeal to ethnic minorities, and they’re sorry that the iconic brand is leaving their neighborhoods.
Cafe closings hit minority areas — chicagotribune.com
Starbucks has identified 18 stores in the Chicago area among the 600 nationwide targeted to close through March 2009, including several in minority neighborhoods that had counted on the green-and-white medallion to signal rebirth.

NPR Moments: Happy Friday

Remembering ‘The Heart Of NPR,’ Gary Smith : NPR

Longtime NPR Greeter and Client Services Coordinator Gary Smith passed away this week. For years, he sat at the reception desk at NPR’s Washington headquarters. Smith was a force field of good cheer; he was a big man who became the heart of NPR.

As I drove home, listening to Michele Norris talk about Gary Smith, I was moved by her description of a man who made greeting the often jetlagged or on-deadline visitors to the NPR building his number-one job. It seems that every week, Mr Smith always began his end-of-week greetings with “Happy Friday.”

Of course, at the end of the piece, Michele wished all of us, the listeners who’d never heard of Gary before, a very. happy. Friday. Her voice got husky, as clearly she had liked the man and wanted to pay tribute to his dedication to the art of making people feel welcome.

I’ll try to wish everyone a happy Friday every week, from now on. It seems like a good tradition to start.

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Calling Dr Drew: Andy Dick Needs You

The glamourous life of Hollywood n-Listers beckoned Andy Dick, and now he’s got a brand new look, and maybe dropped a few spots in the celebrity alphabet:

Classic, eh? Guess he’d better get in touch with Dr. Drew soon. And then there’s another thing…

Comedian Andy Dick arrested on drug, sexual battery charges in Murrieta – Los Angeles Times
Police arrived at Buffalo Wild Wings after receiving calls from a witness about the incident as well as complaints about a man urinating in the bushes. Dick and his entourage got into a Honda pick-up truck and started to leave but were stopped by police.

How do you fit an entourage into a Honda pickup truck? More than two guys, and the remorae are riding cargo class in lawn chairs.

Sad. Andy Dick isn’t my favorite funnyman, but he needs some help (and a new entourage).

OMGWTFBBQ Dr. Horrible’s Sing-a-long Blog is super fantastic brilliant

You can watch Act One and then you can go “squeeeee!!!” to your heart’s content. Also, “W0000000t!1!!”

Who knew that Nathan Fillion could sing? Let alone Neil Patrick Harris? Oh, teh hawt.

Thanks, Super***Dave! What’s your super power? I have two: clutter, and multitasking.

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Bishop Katharine: Sowing Seeds

Our PB Katharine seems to be getting a lot of attention in Britain in the run-up to Lambeth; earlier today I read the sermon she delivered at Salisbury Cathedral, and apparently it and another service she preached at were broadcast live on BBC Radio 4 and BBC Radio 3. There are links to both documents in the story below.

Episcopal Life Online – NEWS
[Episcopal News Service] As part of the pre-Lambeth Conference Hospitality Initiative, Presiding Bishop Katharine Jefferts Schori and the bishops of the Episcopal Church of Sudan (ECS) are visiting the Church of England’s Diocese of Salisbury and participating in the life and ministry of the city’s historic cathedral in its 750th anniversary year.

Consecrated in 1258, Salisbury’s Cathedral Church of St. Mary boasts the world’s tallest medieval spire and is surrounded by water meadows in the southern English county of Wiltshire.

Preaching at two services on July 13 and offering reflections at an 8:10 a.m. morning worship service, broadcast live on BBC Radio 4 and available as an on-demand audio stream here, Jefferts Schori spoke on the themes of planting seeds, growth and abundant life. The Presiding Bishop also preached during a 4 p.m. Choral Evensong, broadcast live on BBC Radio 3 and available as an on-demand audio stream here.

Blogically Challenged

No, I haven’t been blogging much original content lately, and here are a few reasons why.

Work. It’s changed a lot in the last few months, and I no longer am allowed to be on the Internets tubes during working hours, unless I’m on break or logged out for lunch. I’ve got a new leader, and am feeling a fair amount of tension at the moment during the shakedown period. My previous leader was pretty accomodating, the new one is still formulating a leadership style, and it’s best to not push matters. Sadly, I can no longer filter out the GAWD-awful noise from some of my noisier colleagues by listening to iTunes while waiting for calls to come in. So my stress levels are up, but I can’t blog about them very effectively. By the time I get home, I don’t feel like writing about my day, because frankly I’d rather think about something less stressful.

The iPhone. Since I’m not using a work computer to access the Internets Tubes, when not busy, I now scan my Google Reader feed and “blog” by clicking the “share” or “share with note” link. Unfortunately, now is the time of year when I’m pretty much always busy or get a lot of multiple hotel or international bookings in batches, so I’m rarely caught up; I’ve always got something to work on even if the phones are dead and my teammates are chattering away (see “GAWD-awful noise” above). Yes, sharing newsfeed links is lazyblogging, but it’s all I’ve got time for. Also, the iPhone is fun to play with, especially when I can turn it into a lightsabre and spar with my husband David.

Family. Have to be careful here. But here’s some stuff we’ve done with family lately that’s been fun, or interesting, or worth doing.

  • We get together with David’s parents frequently, enjoying each other’s company
  • We visited our niece Melissa a few weeks ago, who lives downstate
  • We got together with more family for “Hanukkah,” by seeing “The Buddy Holly Story” (music plays) at the Drury Lane Oakbrook
  • Basically, we don’t have very interesting lives, so there’s not much to say other than rant about politics and current events, and rather than raise my blood pressure brooding on the excesses of the current administration, I go play on Second Life.

    Second Life. Yes, I spend a fair amount of time online, listening to live music and attending various events. Also, shopping and treasure hunting (looking for freebies that virtual store owners hide around their shops). I ought to be online right now, in fact, because there’s a big thing going on in conjuction with the Netroots Nation 2008 convention (formerly known as Yearly Kos).

    But we do have interesting experiences. Thursday night, David and I were reminded by his dad that we’d promised to check out a friend’s castoff bike as a possible replacement for our niece’s bike, which kind of got messed up by well-meaning friends. So in spite of a rather nasty storm (plenty wind, lightning, and rain) we drove over to Steve’s house. It was a pretty dramatic sky, and then at sunset the sun found the edge of the clouds and everything lit up with this incredibly baleful deep red. That was enough to cause gasps of amazement from us, and also just at that moment we had to turn east, away from the sight. I didn’t have a decent shot at a cameraphone picture, either. But then as soon as we turned, of course there was a rainbow – more sky drama, as it was mostly red and purple, and doubled too. That was enough to cause us both to holler “Whoa!!” which of course is reserved for only the most mind-bogglingly cool things.

    After that, things settled down. We met up with Steve at his parents’ old house (a property he won’t really be putting on the market for a while) to pick up his mom’s old Schwinn, which seemed to be in decent enough shape. Steve had been using it to take his dog Polly for runs, along with this spring loaded gadget that attached to her collar. But he was willing to let it go in the hopes that our niece would get some use out of the bike. I’m happy to report that yesterday, she was able to ride it around near her home, as her grandparents got it to her in one piece. Yay!

    After dealing with getting the bike in our car (with a girl’s frame, it didn’t really fit on the bike rack), we all went out to the Pita Inn (pretty decent Middle Eastern music plays). The food there is really good, and they’ve got a lot of different combinations. Basically, it’s a fast-food place, but you’d pay a lot more for the same thing at a sit-down restaurant. It’s always busy, and even on a stormy night like that night, it was packed. As we ate, fire trucks went by, and also went to a nearby business – there was a lot of stuff going on with power lines and branches and roofs and whatnot.

    In general, I’ve been keeping an eye on my newsfeed, and sharing a lot of stuff (sometimes with comments, often without). When the WordPress app for the iPhone comes out, I’ll be able to actually blog a lot more, since I don’t currently have a way to start a new post from whatever site I happen to be at (in other words, there’s no way to “Press It” or “Blog This”). I don’t actually know if the new app will do this – it seems to be focused on using photos from your cameraphone, rather than my more typical pattern of blogging about a particular site or news story. There’s still no copy-and-paste, apparently.

iPhone 2.0: I can has lightsaber?

Apple released a software update and new apps for the iPhone today. Utility is fine but all I really wanted was the iLightsaber. The sounds work off the accelerometer, which means that tomorrow, thousands of Mac Jedi will be sparring and dueling. You can even pick your color.

Jedi name generator not included.

Things that make you go nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn

I really needed a good laugh – work has been stressing me out for weeks (can’t really blog about that) and some issues with one niece have been making me feel kind of helpless and sad and not a little indignant (can’t really blog about that, in the interests of family harmony, either).

Sorry, I have a boring, stressful life, and I’m too busy at work, and I tend to do as little as possible at home to make up for it. At least at the moment. But this made me laugh, as it’s one of those things that makes you go….

nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn « Lolcats ‘n’ Funny Pictures of Cats – I Can Has Cheezburger?