Fixing CSS and Tweaking The Talian Theme

Okay, it’s Saturday, it’s too cold to go outside for more than a brief, well-layered walk, and so therefore I’ve been making some modifications to the CSS file for the blog. There were a couple of issues that were bothering me with this otherwise excellent theme:

Virtual Assistance For Business : Free Premium WordPress blog theme “Talian” released. An elegant theme that is very much close to my heart.

The theme designer hasn’t responded to comments requesting fixes or information for several months. It’s likely that he’s not that interested in supporting his free themes, just in designing them. Which is perfectly acceptable to me, because after all.. they’re free.

Actually, there were a lot of little things that I’d already fixed. But the major ones were that for some reason, the theme author chose to style the em tag so that not only was the text not in italic, it was smaller, lighter in color, and added an extra line break above and below the tagged text. Why? I don’t know. It originally looked like this:

em {
padding: 0px;
font-size: 11px;
font-style: normal;
font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
color: #666666;
clear: both;
display: block;
margin-top: 10px;
margin-right: 0px;
margin-bottom: 0px;
margin-left: 0px;

and now it looks like this
em {
padding: 0px;
font-style: italic;
color: #000000;
margin-top: 10px;
margin-right: 0px;
margin-bottom: 0px;
margin-left: 0px;

Of course, it’s overkill, it would look just fine if I deleted it from the spreadsheet but I do like that it uses a darker color and so on. It doesn’t require the font-style: italic; declaration. I have no idea why the designer would add the clear: both; display: block; declarations – that’s what was causing the unwanted line breaks, I think.

I also needed to somehow widen the center column so that it would take the 400 to 500px wide photo images that I’ve come to prefer. My Flickr page has one setting for copying my images that assumes a 500px width, so I kind of needed to do this sooner rather than later.

The other stuff that I had previously done:

  • Edited non-standard English (still some to go)
  • Changed the centered header to a CSS-styled Flickr badge
  • Added one or two widgets (still need to fix a couple of things)

The center content is now wide enough to accomodate the bigger images. The wrap was originally 930px, the container was originally 920px, the header and content were originally 900px. The left content and right content had to be widened so that they totalled 950px, the same as the content and header width, and the left-post had to be widened from 480px to be about 10px wider than my largest image width. I also increased the size of the post-entry text… may think about making the font darker or more readable, too.

#wrap_talia {
width: 980px;
margin-top: 0px;
margin-right: auto;
margin-bottom: 0px;
margin-left: auto;

#container_talia {
margin: 0px;
float: left;
width: 970px;

#header_talia {
float: left;
width: 950px;
padding-right: 10px;
padding-left: 10px;
height: 120px;

#content_talia {
float: left;
width: 950px;
padding-right: 10px;
padding-left: 0px;
position: relative;
.right-content-talia {
float: right;
width: 725px;

.left-content-talia {
float: left;
width: 225px;

#left-post {
width: 510px;
font-size: 100%;
padding-right: 0px;
padding-left: 0px;
float: left;
position: relative;
padding-top: 20px;
UPDATE: Welcome to all the recent visitors via StumbleUpon! Since this post was written, I did manage to remove the stubborn secton that was titled in non-standard English; it turned out to be a widget and was listed by name on the widgets page. I didn’t figure this out until after upgrading to 2.5.1. This theme is pretty much compatible with 2.5.1 and I haven’t messed with it much, aside from trying to get the formatting for custom fields to stop overflowing the center section. Still have to find where an errant width setting from higher up in the style sheet is being invoked in the meta tags.

Be careful out there, StumbleUponers, I picked up a very nasty virus while Stumbling one night and nearly lost everything I had. Be sure your virus definitions are rock-solid.

[tags]Wordpress themes, Talian, CSS[/tags]

One of my photos on Schmap! Yay me!

One of my Flickr photos got selected for the current Schmap online guide – they use photos to illustrate points of interest in their web-based city travel guides. It just goes to show you that it’s a good idea to tag your photos effectively on Flickr, as this is the second time something like this has happened.

The other one requires me to fill out some kind of form, need to get on that this weekend. I might actually get a small fee for use of another of my photos.

The No Name Saloon, Park City

Salt Lake City – Theme Bars

The decor is as interesting as the club’s name. Baby buggies, motorcycles, and antler lamps hang from beamed ceilings above an eclectic mix of collectibles and a western copper bar.

[tags]Flickr, NoNameSaloon[/tags]

Foundational Issues

We had a trickle of water coming in the basement on Sunday during a thaw with plenty of rain, and since then it’s been really cold, so everything froze up again. Even the streets – where on Sunday there were running streams of water, trying to find their way to the storm drains (which were mostly blocked by snow and ice dams left by the village plows) we now have sheets of hard frozen ice.

The bottoms of everyone’s driveways are also either ice dams or sheets of smooth, glassy ice, and in some suburbs, there’s so much ice left that there are all kinds of accidents all the time. Also, there are tons of big potholes all over the area, and more and more appear every day. So there’s lots of people getting flat tires, and there are accidents because drivers have to zig-zag around the worst of them.

Eh, this winter is a big mess.

So tonight we had some guy come over to give the old sales pitch for a solution to the “occasional water in the basement” problem, which of course could be a very expensive fix to the foundation of the house. His company’s deal is a waterproofing/extra drainage/air purification and mold filtering combo. Quite expensive, and we were offered at least two inducements to reduce the price if we signed tonight and put down a deposit.

This kind of sales pitch is guaranteed to FAIL with us, because it just doesn’t make sense to decide on the first estimate. We have to check with the other guys. We sat through the presentation and it was illuminating, but also rather horrifying… supposedly, we wouldn’t have to get a backhoe in to expose the entire foundation on the three sides of the house (the fourth side of the basement doesn’t go under the house, but under the concrete pad for the garage and family room). We would have some fat guys digging trenches all around, putting goop on the foundation and making it water tight, and adding extra drainage…. and then they would come in, break up the basement floor, and install more drainage and an air filtering system. Sure, and then we’d be replacing all the crappy landscaping plants on all three sides.

Good thing we never got around to getting the deck I want put in, that would have been the first casualty.

Oh, dear. But there is mold down there, so we know we’ve had an occasional problem in the past. Something will have to be done.


My husband David will be so disappointed to hear this:

‘Fraudulent’ British celebrity chef faces sack from US TV show after claiming he made Diana’s wedding cake | the Daily Mail

A celebrity British chef who has his own TV show in America faces the sack after he was unmasked as a fraud. Robert Irvine claimed he had helped make the wedding cake for the marriage of Prince Charles and Diana. And in a bid to impress Americans the former royal chef said he was knighted by the Queen – and even boasted that he had been given a castle as a reward for his work in her kitchens.

Irvine, who presents a show called “Dinner: Impossible” on the Food Network channel, has now admitted he cooked up huge parts of his CV. He claimed to have cooked at the White House and received an award for his work from a prestigious US based cooking academy. But following a failed business in St Petersburg, Florida, which left a trail of bad debts he has now been exposed as a liar.

We’re big fans of his cooking show, but I have to admit I’d wondered a bit at how he’d managed to cook for both the British Royal Family and at the White House, as a relatively young man, and still have time to do all the other things in his breathlessly delivered bio at the top of the show. It takes a lot of time to work up to a point in your career where you get to enter such famous kitchens, unless you manage to slide in as a young sous chef on a lucky internship.

Turns out Irvine had been a chef on the royal yacht Brittania for a decade, but not in one of the royal residences… he had been a Royal Navy cook at the base where Prince Charles was based, and must have been but a pup at the time. And he still had to fit in his time in culinary school, which took place around the time of the Royal Wedding.

I hope that he manages to satisfy the Food Network as to his credentials, and comes clean about anything that he may have fudged, but it may be that his show won’t return. Damn, it’s been a fun show to watch, too.

h/t ***Dave, forgot to mention before.

Also, I should have wondered more about Irvine’s working-class accent, which is actually a bit of a cachet these days. It might have mattered more when he was starting out as a chef-in-training on the Royal Yacht, though.

[tags]Robert Irvine, Food Network[/tags]

Chicken Piccata Recipe | Simply Recipes

Chicken Piccata Recipe | Simply Recipes

Ingredients: all we need are capers!

  • 2-4 boneless, skinless chicken breast halves (1 1/2 pound total)
  • 1/3 cup flour
  • 2 Tbsp grated Parmesan cheese
  • Salt and pepper
  • 4 Tbsp butter
  • 4 Tbsp olive oil
  • 3 Tbsp lemon juice
  • 1/2 cup chicken stock or dry white wine
  • 1/4 c. brined1/8 c. capers in balsamic vinegar
  • 1/4 cup fresh chopped parsley

When I got to the store, all they had were capers in either plain vinegar, or balsamic, not brined (unless that’s the same thing… ).

The recipe calls for either butterflying thick chicken breasts, or pounding them out to about 1/4″ thick. This makes for a really satisfying Monday night meal, because the sauce is really rich and savory, and you get to whack the heck out of the chikkins!

Poachers in Western Chicago Suburbs Meet, Plot Schism

Has the Anglican Split Begun? | Liveblog | Christianity Today

Meanwhile, in the western suburbs of Chicago, I attended a Wednesday lunch meeting witha senior American Anglican leader

who said in essence that the time may soon come for orthodox Anglicans to create some kind of new global structure because of repeated failures of ABC Williams to hold “revisionists” accountable for proceeding with gay ordinations and same-sex rites and for advocating a host of other non-orthodox revisionist teachings.This leader who spoke at aninvitation-only event

anticipates creation of anew Anglican Province in North America

thatorthdox Anglican

leaders would recognize. These leaders would thencreate some kind of new global entity.

I know the main focus on the story is a conservative view of whether or not the coming schism is happening now. The undercurrent is clearly “IhopeIhopeIhopeIhope those un-Biblical, gay-ordaining, gay-consecrating, gay-marrying revisionist American Episcopalians get their church split away from them.”

But what really gets my goat is that these poachers were meeting in my diocese. Who was this leader? What was this invitation-only event? Where was it? Who paid for it? And who will run these snake-bellied rustlers off the home range, dangnabbit?  Whah, Ah shore hope Bishop-Sheriff Lee saddles his own horse and gits on their gol-durn trail!

[tags]Episcopal, rejectionist, exclusivist, poachers, rustlers, dangnabbit[/tags]