Chocolat and Non-Fat Frenchwomen

Because Father Ted used it as an example in a recent sermon at Holy Moly, I’ve been wanting to see Chocolat again, and that’s a bit dangerous. Even more since I’ve been reading French Women Don’t Get Fat and getting a double dose of passion for chocolate, eating well, and living life to the fullest.

It’s an interesting premise – eat as the French do, enjoy food, and still avoid getting fat. However, it’s pretty unworkable in practice here in the States, as much of it depends on daily walks to the nearest fresh farmer’s market, seasonal foods in great variety, and no processed “food” at all except that which you either make your self, or eat in a restaurant that also makes everything from scratch from the finest ingredients.

We’re a little lacking in the “walkable farmer’s markets” here for the most part, although in my area there’s a small weekly market set up relatively close by on Fridays in the summer. However, some concepts do make sense and actually have some scientific basis; eating more dairy actually can help you lose weight, because it’s nearly perfect as a food and you don’t have to eat much of it to feel satisfied. Eating more fruits and vegetables, and in greater variety, while reducing portions of meat and carbohydrates to more realistic (and positively un-American) levels is also pretty sensible. I’m attempting to follow some of the principles, so much as they can be adapted to life in Burbclavia.

However, I balk at the daily glass of Champagne, though I suspect this advice comes more from the author’s position with the Veuve-Clicquot champagne firm than a true health benefit. I’d rather have a nice Pinot Grigio or a Cabernet Sauvignon.

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One thought on “Chocolat and Non-Fat Frenchwomen

  1. now I can, so I will:

    what i was going to tell you is that in an attempt to actually eat meals (instead of bags’o stuff) i joined weightwatchers online. I have always hated the very idea of ww, but I was getting desperate after not having shopped anywhere but walgreens for a year or so. And you know, the online part makes it ok. I can download stuff to my palm and remember to buy actual food at the grocery. And they have this new program called core which is actually sensible and healthy and delicious. NO points and crap, no packaged weight watchy stuff, but all you want of a very wide variety of foods, and a rather generous allowance of other foods. I am amazed and I’ve never eaten better in my life. It’s not all that different from the frenchwoman thing really. I would recommend it highly.

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