
So, I voted, but I had a couple of questions afterwards.

Such as, why can’t the Illinois Democratic Party draft someone to run against Terry Parke (R) for the Illinois House? I refuse to vote for that guy. Almost wrote in “Spongebob Squarepants.”

When I arrived, there was a line of three (3) people. The first guy was black, had moved more than a month ago, but had not re-registered, so he was sent back to his old polling place. I checked the FAQ and that was the correct procedure. Whew.

As I left, a neighbor recognized me and said he hadn’t seen me out in the back yard all summer. Yet another reason to get the privacy fence installed this spring. 😉

But hey, I voted, and I have the sticker to prove it.

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One thought on “Voted

  1. I voted as well – #166 at 9:00am in my district!! I took a total of 30 seconds. Hit the all Demo slot, voted NO on all the amendments and NO to all the judges. It was amazing! When I came out of the booth the lady behind me said “that was quick”.. I told her exactly what I had done and she responded to her husband,
    … “See, we aren’t the only ones”. It will be interesting in Utah!!!! It’s not like my vote will count for Kerry because of the electorial vote and the stupid “dyed in the wool Utah R’s” but at least I feel like it did my duty!!! Now, I have a great bottle of Yellow Tail Merlot waiting!!