Meanwhile, Back At The Rance

In the absence of Rance, who is either off being a fabbleous movie sleb or starting fall semester after moving out of his parents’ basement, his readers have been writing a round-robin mystery story. This has been going on for about a month now, with submissions going up about every other day – sometimes, every day. It’s very organized, and there’s a list of people, so you know when you’re “on deck.”

Also, when you’re writing your submission, you get an advance copy of the previous one, which doesn’t get posted until you submit your own. It seems to be working out pretty well, with only a couple of narrative wobbles, both of which turned out to be entertaining. It’s still a fairly consistent mystery tale. I have my suspicions about the love letters, though. They don’t gibe with something else. My submission seems to be getting favorable reviews – nothing too earthshaking or new plotwise, but I did want to beat up on the deputy and ask him why he knows so much about an old murder case, so I had the protagonist do it for me. Fiction is fun!

I make no excuses for the Easter Bunny in the dream sequence.

Other news: Foot is a bit swollen, but I’ve been working the last couple of days. The bruises are coming up in a lovely variety of colors – they look like one of those icky-cam shots from CSI.

My sister Tudy out-gimps me – she had knee surgery yesterday and will be in the hospital for a few days yet.

It’s raining, and traffic is bad, with lots of accidents according to the radio reports. Why is it that people forget how to drive in “bad” weather after a long summer? It isn’t even all that bad – it’s rain.

News of note: Jebus, a lot of stuff blowin‘ up today, and other news that is not good.
Pols: I’m going to volunteer at the Democratic phone bank they’re setting up, to call “undecided” voters in swing states. Based on some stories I’ve read and heard on NPR, though, I think there won’t be many to find. So I’ll either be getting quickly off the phone rather than engage someone of the opposing view (and waste everyone’s time), or swapping quips with someone on my side of the fence.

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