TAR5: Zorb O’ The Tweaks

Another recap is up, life is good, and another triffic time next week will be had on TAR. But for now, lament for what could have been: the Hamsterball Race of Champions, desperately going boingity boingity boingity down the hill and against each other and knocking each other off course trying to get to the finish line and the nearby Pit Stop.

Ahh, if only the 3 trailing teams had a lick of navigating sense, hysteria might have broken out in a rolling wave through all US time zones and around the world.

Aaaand inside the zorb, Colin gives the devil horns, or Texas horns, or whatever that “Woooo!” thing is supposed to be with the index fingers and the pinkies. For someone who is so impressed with his own inherent sense of smolder, he is an enormous twerp sometimes. He rolls down the hill, getting tossed around inside the ball like clothes in a washer. In his voice-over, he calls it “like this moving water slide.” Which doesn’t look like it’s an entirely bad description. They get to the bottom, and he walks it across the finish line. “Looks like a little hamster,” she says, not realizing how that sounds.

Reading my Bloglines feed I set up for the show, a lot of people were really stoked to take a ride in the hamsterball, but there was some confusion, owning to Phil’s charmingly elastic accent, as to what it was called. One place called it a “zoob,” another one a “zorf.” A third blog (which I really liked a lot) had pictures and reported that not only had the bloggist done it, but they were offered the “wash cycle” option, where they throw liquid soap in with the water and you get all soapy squeaky screaming hysterically clean. Sadly, none of our racers were offered the option.

Jeez, I hope they use “no more tears” baby shampoo for that, don’t you?

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