Obama’s Klingon

SPRINGFIELD — For the past 10 days, U.S. Senate candidate Barack Obama hasn’t been able to go to the bathroom or talk to his wife on his cell phone without having a camera-toting political gofer from his Republican rival filming a few feet away.

In what has to be a first in Illinois politics, Republican Jack Ryan has assigned one of his campaign workers to record every movement and every word of the state senator while he is in public.

What, do they think he’s going to boost a car or something?

Obama’s got my vote and my husband’s vote.

But the kicker is, he’s got my mother-in-law’s vote. Can’t wait to chat with her about this. It’ll be difficult explaining about how some big-name bloggers have mentioned this story, such as Kos (who appears regularly on AAR) and Talking Points Memo.

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