To B# or not to B#

I have this feeling that choir practice will be cancelled again tonight. They Who Must Be Obeyed (a loose conglomeration of older ladies who really run things) usually cancel if there’s a light dusting of snow (the “coverlet for a hobbit’s toes” kind). I can’t blame them – if one of them fell, it could be catastrophic.

Our previous vicar was from Virginia and never did get hardened off to winter, ice, snow, and that sort of thing, but she’s moved back there now and no longer has to deal with the issue of “to cancel or not” when the weather is dicey. So the rest of us bumble around and wait to be called by one of “Them” – they have a calling tree used mostly for letting people know when they’ve decided to cancel something. 😉

However, choir practice is one thing that can be safely bagged for the nonce. So I’m expecting to hear from the Ineffable Bass anytime now that our presence will not be required. I think we’re doing a “party piece” this Sunday, but it’s probably something we’ve done before, that we can muddle through with a short practice before the service.

The drive in this morning was to the accompaniment of dire weather updates from the various radio stations on my dial, but it was no big deal in my case, just a little sloppy. David probably hit some major delays on his route, though. It snowed off and on all last night, and was still foggy and snowing this morning. Lots of flights cancelled at O’Hare, too. So I was pretty sure this am that I’d get a “choir practice cancelled call” later.

Kind of ironic, when you look out the window and see, yes, another 4 inches of snow on the ground, but otherwise dry pavement owing to the extremely generous application of road salt that goes on in Illinois in the winters. And it’s a bright sunny day and in the low 30’s – positively balmy.

Weather Pixie seems to be down today; if she were wearing her little sun dress for real here, she’d be in some danger of hypothermia, but probably not frostbite.

Augh, back to the grind.

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