Cold/I Want My Mommy

More freezing weather – it’s a bright day and we’re debating whether to go cross-country skiing or not. I’m holding out to tomorrow, when the temperature is supposed to climb up into the 20’s (Fahrenheit).

Besides which, the snowbase is only about 4 inches, very light and powdery. Which means that it’s blown off anywhere that’s exposed and windy. So I think we need a bit more snow to not risk tearing the 5h1t out of our skis.

Hi, Mom!

Talked to Mom just now and tried to explain “blogging” to her. Aw, she’s so cute. She corrected numerous factual errors about my memories of the time Pop died, but seems willing to let it be partly fictional/imaginary/made up out of whole cloth… because that’s the way she’s always told stories, too, I think. 😉

My sister Timmy (oh, all right, she was supposed to be a boy named Marcus Timothy, but they forgot to have a girl’s name handy as backup) printed out a few pages and gave them to Mom to read. So she’s all proud, and I was telling her she ought to:

  • get Tivo, or at least a VCR
  • get a simple email/webbrowser box of some kind
  • write some of her life experiences down and get out there

I mean, this is a woman who has held the Hope Diamond in her hands, met Harry Truman, watched Japanese cargo ships loading scrap iron in San Francisco in the late Thirties, and nearly moved to Honolulu with her newspaperman first husband shortly before all that scrap iron flew back and whomped Pearl Harbor. Her husband missed out on the story of the century.

She has a lot of interesting or funny stories – I wish she’d do something about writing them down but her hands bother her now and writing/typing them out is probably not an option.

Craaaap. I can type almost at dictation speed.

No. No. No. Don’t do it, Ginny!! Walk towards the light!

Hey, let’s get Timmy to do it, she’s retired now (kidding, she’s busy in retirement, with more activities and social obligations than anyone I know other than my mom-in-law Leah).

And I still think Mom should get TiVo. She’d love it once it was set up, but she’s never even gotten a VCR. She’s just not into useful technology dating later than, say, the old Royal typewriter she used to use for letterwriting.

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