Are They Off Or What???

I stopped by Television Without Pity to see if there was any news about the next season of The Amazing Race and found there were rumors flying in the “Spoilers” thread. The race is on!!

Or is it?

One rumor seemed really credible at first – people spotted running around in very TAR-like style in Vancouver, BC – but it there’s a chance that the sighting actually a fall event that has an “Amazing Race” theme.

Apparently there’s a company that runs task-based adventure/racing activities as team building exercises there. In the meantime, Canadians aren’t eligible to enter the Race according to current rules. Which seems hardly fair, since the show is very popular north of the border.

It’s not right!

Go, Canada! If American TV shows won’t let you enter their competitions, just build it yourself out of cast-off appicances and abandoned K-cars, and race around the Great White North your own bad toqued selves – and while you’re at it, you really should think about starting up a network to rival anything the Big American Networks could ever produce. Or maybe… infiltrate as you always have.
The other rumor may or may not pay off, but it’s intriguing. A former racer thinks his doctor may have some other patients in the upcoming class of TAR5 contestants… that is, if he wasn’t assuming it was The Amazing Race just because he already has one former Racer on the books. 😉

Either way, given the logistics of Racing, editing, and getting the episodes ready to air, the Race is either just about to begin, or has already started. That is, if they’re sticking to the rumored summertime premiere date. Oh, hope hope hope hope hope!

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