Village Idiocy


Via: Flickr Title: 06-19-07_1942.jpg By: GinnyRED57
Originally uploaded: 19 Jun ’07, 7.43pm CDT PST

The Village, its wisdom, decided to repave all the streets in our subdivision this summer, and the notification letter was received Wednesday, when we went out of town. Although they’d previously announced we’d have more notice, they actually gave only 2 days’ warning before taking off the first layer of asphalt, on Friday. We returned Sunday night from our trip to find that the street was blocked off to thru traffic, but somewhat driveable.

Good thing we moved the cars this morning before we left, they started tearing things up right around 9am but blocked our driveway well before that time.

Tonight when I returned, I found a place to park around the corner, and came out front to see what was up. The street is a churned morass of ruts and hardened clay mud.

Meanwhile, David’s got a webcam trained on the street – you can see it here.

Bunny With A Deathwish


Via: Flickr Title: 06-19-07_1924.jpg By: GinnyRED57
Originally uploaded: 19 Jun ’07, 7.25pm CDT PST

Seen at Walgreens: a rabbit not long for this world, given the nature of his nesting material.   And no, I did not pose it there – someone else out here in the bland, featureless suburbs has a somewhat roccoco sense of humor.

Oh. Wait… this just begs to be cheezburg0red.

The Braid Blog – Tearing Apart and Putting Together

The Braid Blog – Two Communities Coming Together To Make…

Oh, my Dog. Well, the old Holy Moly blog from has now been refurbished and pointed to the new site. Redirected, too. The new site has a paltry “click here for more news and events” link on just the main page. Will have to inquire about having a “Blog” link added to the links template on the side as well.

This was complicated; I didn’t realize David had upgraded the HI blog installation to WordPress 2.2, while this site is still at 2.1, pending a few plugins that need to be updated first.

This difference in versions caused conflicts with a lot of the plugins that I wanted on the HI site, so although most of them work, Flickr Photo Album does not. Yet.

There is apparently a fix, but it’s been a long day and David has done more than his share of codehacking.

UPDATE: there is an official version of the above fix – may be more authoritative.

Stick Figure


Here's the story on this image, which I took with the cameraphone, naturally, a week or so ago. This is one of the motivational posters dotted about the health club at work. At least in the women's locker room, the images are mostly of fit, strong, healthy looking women. The poster above is directly across from where my locker usually is, and I was spending a lot of time looking at it and pondering the message. 

This is not the picture of health I want to emulate. Strong, yes. Stick-figure thin and disturbingly skeletal, no.  

Via: Flickr Title: 02-01-07_1453.jpg By: GinnyRED57
Originally uploaded: 11 Feb '07, 10.38am CST PST

Not the picture of health

Ex Old Skool Flickrite Attempts New Skool Post

Flickr’s been bugging me to update my log-in from the “old skool” ID I originally built to a Yahoo-based ID. So I did it, and then after it was too late, they airily mention on the “welcome to the new skool” landing page that any API-based Flickr tools and applications I may have might not work anymore.

Oh. Well, thank you for warning me in advance. ecto uses a very handy and important-to-me API app that pulls in photos from Flickr very easily so I can post them, and also eventually I’ll get the Photo Album plug-in working on my main WordPress installation.

Let’s see what I can do with a photo I just uploaded to Flickr:

Praying For Da Bears

Yep! Works! All I had to do was click the Flickr two-dot icon, log out (because I was previously logged in using the old skool ID), log back in, and re-authorize ecto by clicking on a bright blue “Yes, I’ll OK It” button. Done.

This fellow is one of the diehard Bears fans at church; a lot more people will be in Bears regalia this Sunday, I bet.

WordPress 2.1 (and 2.0.7) no es simpatico con Flickr

According to this, the Flickr Album plugin that I had used and then abandoned for a while isn’t working with the latest version of WordPress 2.1, which we’re now running here.  I’m hoping there’ll be a fix for the little problem I encountered where the default setting is to pull ALL photos from ALL groups onto the photo gallery page.  Also, something to fix the display problem when there are links in the descriptions.

WordPress 2.1 (and 2.0.7) Support Status : tan tan noodles – msg free since 2005

To The Pillory With Her! But Pay Her Maybe!

This post is not going to make sense to anyone who doesn’t both have a blog and post photos to Flickr.

Several dozen (or hundred, or thousand, or hundred-thousand) people on Flickr are either really ticked off at me, or they know that I’ve been revealed as a completely clueless user of the WordPress plugin, Photo Album. Or both

I didn’t configure it right, and through a series of accidents and misunderstandings, people started complaining yesterday in at least two well-traveled and high traffic forums connected to a couple of large photo groups on Flickr. People were yelling for my head and demanding that my entire domain be taken down by complaining to my ISP.

I reported this to my home ISP’s head-chief-uber sysadmin, who laughed and as good as called me a WordPress n00b.

That’s husbands for you.

Still, it’s nice having a geek around the house to make the computers “go.” Actually, he was very sympathetic and was ready to do something technical if we could figure out what the problem was on our end.

I set about making things right with the various forum people on Flickr, and reported the problem to the Photo Album discussion group. I hope that’ll be good enough to keep me from getting TOSed.

It’s completely true that I didn’t set up the “link back” setting on Photo Album correctly. You’re supposed to link every photo back to Flickr that you pull into your blog via the API key that I set up through the plugin. The API dingus was how I was showing all of my Flickr photos on my former photos page here. There were links back to Flickr from each page, but the URLs for each photo were going through my blog URL. Which is an option if you want to keep viewers on your own site, but some Flickr users objected,
didn’t see the links, or thought I was trying to steal their images.

The other really, really bad thing that was happening was that the plugin also pulls in ALL of the images from the feeds of ALL of your public groups. You can “hide” them so they don’t show up on the page, but they’re still in your feed. And “hiding” isn’t as easy as it looks, as setting the configuration is tricky, and it’s easy to mess up because there are two separate “save” buttons, one for general configuration, and another separate one for “hiding” sets and groups.

A couple of my fellow Flickrites didn’t seem to realize that their photos had not been downloaded from Flickr and physically uploaded and posted here – others saw that it was a just a feed (albeit a poorly configured one) and tried to explain it. However, the damage was done; I looked like a thief to some people.

In the end, I completely deactivated the plugin, because even after “hiding” the groups, they were still visible via the long links that had already been posted to the Flickr forums. One of them was a live screenshot of my photo page, showing the group in question. It really looked like I was evil and bad and stealing images, so I can’t blame them for becoming upset. I went back and checked, and all the links that formerly lead to my photo page of their groups are now dead.

The only way to deactivate those links was to deactivate the plugin. So now it’s gone, and I hand-coded a few of my photos onto the page instead. I’d like to figure out how to show just that one set without having to hand-code the page, so some cautious tinkering may happen later in the week.

It’s over, but for a few hours there, it was horrifying.

And the really horrifying thing is that I’ve been using this plugin since…September. And of course I have the same setup for the old Holy Innocents blog, although that is probably going to get deactivated soon, too. Merde.

Illinois River

On the other other hand, yesterday someone contacted me out of the blue and said they wanted to inquire about the rights to use this very ordinary photo I took a few years ago of the Illinois River for a school textbook. I checked around as much as possible online to see if either she was on the up-and-up, or if anyone had complained about being spammed in a similar way. I sent some very minimal contact information (P.O. Box: I may be dumb but I’m not stupid) and will await developments. If they use the image,
I’ll be compensated a small amount of money – a few hundred dollars. I highly doubt the publisher will pick my photo to use for their chapter on whatever it is; I’m sure they have a lot of high-quality images to choose from. But still, if it’s for real, what a hoot.

And yes, they found it on Flickr. I uploaded it last year when I joined. Weird, eh?

Glonus chinese


David and I went shopping at Woodfield yesterday for jeans and what-not, and stopped at Stir Crazy, the eclectic Asian bistro, for lunch. I noticed that they're still using the wacky Chinglish chopsticks; the paper cover says something about the "glonus Chinese culture cuisine." That would be "glorious," y'all.

Via: Flickr Title: Glonus chinese By: GinnyRED57
Originally uploaded: 6 Jan '07, 1.19pm CST PST