Oh, for the love of Mike, what a maroon moomom moran #Palin is.


Evil image of black cat evilly ganked from OneUtah, a blog you should read. Bwa ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!

Sarah Palin: Obama’s healthcare ‘evil’: The Swamp

After a brief respite from Twritter and all the rest, the early-self-retired-resigned-withdrawn-bowed-out governor of Alaska has returned to Facebook.

With fire:

Calling President Barack Obama’s healthcare reform “downright evil.”

“The America I know and love is not one in which my parents or my baby with Down Syndrome will have to stand in front of Obama’s ‘death panel’ so his bureaucrats can decide, based on a subjective judgment of their ‘level of productivity in society,’ whether they are worthy of health care,” the erstwhile Republican vice presidential candidate wrote on her Facebook page on Friday, ending an online silence.

“Such a system is <strong>downright evil,” Palin wrote on her page, which has nearly 700,000 supporters, whom she is encouraging to engage in the debate.

Death panel. ::facepalm:: How do such stupid people get to be so important in this country??

It’s often struck me that the wildest charges leveled by conservatives at their liberal counterparts are those which they are already secretly employing, or have always used in the past with great success. They just can’t believe that we would choose NOT to play dirty. Because, of course, we’re the party of Deepest, Darkest (insert offensive racial epithet here) Evul.

Political thuggery? See Florida 2000, when the “Brooks Brothers Mob” shut down the recount.

Voter fraud? What about that “voter registration” scam in the West? They changed peoples party registrations.

For every underpaid ACORN person out doorknocking, you know there were a bunch of well-paid operatives in Dockers screwing with phone lines, limiting the number of polling stations and voting booths in urban areas and failing to send ballots to Americans overseas, and getting “ethnic” voter rolls purged. Why not? They’ve been doing it for DECADES. We concentrated on “get out the vote” and voter registration drives after the 1960 elections, and they concentrated on holding actions.

Neo-Fascist mob tactics? Hitler? Dictators? Fascists ARE right wing extremists in Austria, Britain, and other countries in Europe. And we do have to worry about home-grown extremists in our own military, too. They screamed about that, but that doesn’t make it any less real.

Astroturfing? They invented it, they pay for it, they get the best forged letterhead money can buy.

Socialism? They hates it, they hates it, they hates socialIZED medicine forever… except they lurves that Medicare because they’re so very, very old. It’s funny how the GOP gets more contributions when they threaten Grandma and the helpless little disabled children (whose entitlement programs the party of fiscal responsibility is always trying to cut), isn’t it? Isn’t it??

And that Veterans’ Administration? That’s good old-fashioned American health care that just happens to be paid for by the gummint. Which had better not take away any guns, because plenty of people will be “carrying” to their local (Democratic congressperson’s) health care town hall. They jumped on Pelosi when she accused them of carrying swastikas, wait ’til she finds out about the organizer who advised attendees via Twitter to pack a little heat.

So don’t holler about those imaginary death squads of ultimate liberal evil… unless of course some extremist wacko has been yapping for years on the Internets about how the Brown People Problem needs some kind of, yeah, final solution. And some other extremist wacko yaps for years on the Internets about how the evul baby killers must be killed. We even have our own a href=””>homegrown Islamicist terrorist cells,but more common is when a bunch of guys get together and decide to talk trash about killing 88 black people, including a guy I like to call The President of the United States of America (IMNSHO, the first honestly elected one since 1996).

Well, there’s your problem, Sarah – the evil is (almost entirely) on your side. And your peculiar brand of “weaponised Christianity” isn’t helping matters any.

The real basis for the current brand of heightened Republican rhetoric is called “projection” and you and your party are engaged in it right now as town halls are disrupted in GOP operative-orchestrated fracas all over the country. But it seems to happen only at town halls for Democratic pols, never for those hosted by Republicans.


Yeah, it’s real funny when a Republican astroturf groupordinary citizens’ brigade gets away with a good lynching. Joke, that is.

Yeah, that word’s not racially loaded at all.

In the end, who IS the Evul Wun? It’s not Obama (and no, in spite of the Right’s projectionism, liberals like me don’t think he’s the Second Coming). We’re not big believers in the Anti-Christ or Armageddon; that’s more for wild-eyed, foaming-at-the-mouth, witch-hunting, speaking-in-tongues fundamentalists like yourself… and that guy that stole the last two Presidential elections, only to lie around choking on pretzels, starting 2 wars when only one was justified, and looking for WMDs under credenzas.

Who’s the Evul President, indeed? The smart black guy who was born in Hawaii and won fair and square? or the dry-drunk who took French Leave from the Texas Air National Guard, who’s also on a first-name basis with Gog and Magog?

Yeah, Bush, that’s who. The cocky, intellectually incurious ex-fighter jock in the flight suit, who signed away many of our civil rights in the interests of “national security,” and signed the death warrants of thousands, perhaps hundreds of thousands when he took us to war in Iraq.

Thank God he could only do eight years’ worth of harm to our nation and the world. That’s enough evil to last us all for a while.

Tempestuous Teapot: Never Mind! No Reciprocal Border Crossing Planned

As you were. #episcopalian #anglican #kerfuffle
PRELUDIUM: Bp. Anderson paranoia a copy-cat caper.

Bishop David Anderson let loose with a dozy of a conspiracy theory last week. I reported on it HERE. It turns out the theory was lifted from a though piece by The Rev’d Geoffrey M. St.J. Hoare, the rector of All Saints’ Episcopal Church in Atlanta, Georgia. That essay was picked up by Jonathan Wynne-Jones in an article titled, “Americans planning to start a civil war in the Church of England.” The thread was in turn picked up by Episcopal Cafe in “One plus one equals six hundred sixty six“. It would appear that at some point along the line Bishop Anderson picked up on Fr. Hoare’s post, or on Wynne-Jones’ article, and lept with joy to see such nasty doings by those awful Episcopalians, and it just all got out of hand.

Andrew Gerns of Episcopal Cafe noted,

” What Wynne-Jones doesn’t say is that at the end of the blog, Fr. Hoare says that, based on responses he has seen to his own thinking-out-loud, there is no energy for such a strategy.

Oh well there you are, and I had enthusiastically volunteered my parish at Father Jake‘s and Mad Priest‘s blogs for this imaginary “partnership network of inclusive, progressive parishes” idea and everything. Which was just a copy-cat caper of the whole exclusive, conservative parishes thing, really. I shun’ta done it.

But I still think Mad Priest is right to make as noisy a racket as possible to raise the alarum in the English church that a most un-Anglican compromise is about to be finalized over there.