Music from NPR’s September 11th Archive

One thing that kept me going immediately after the September 11th attacks was the thoughtful and moving coverage from :NPR – All Songs Considered has gathered all the music used on various news shows in one place.

It helped a lot then, and still helps.

Also, there was a lot of amazing commentary they got from ordinary people calling in and discussing the attacks. There are archives of all their news coverage during the period, and there is an archive of links and stories about the response to the attacks.

I was alone that week while David was off in Canada on a training course (he flew out Sept. 10th and drove back in the “Dunkirk rental carlift” migration. I spent a lot of time alone listening to the radio in the evenings because the television channels were clogged with coverage and endless repeats of the same terrifying footage.

I’ve got the audio-only version playing now – it’s nice to hear it again at 3 years’ distance from the events.

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