Move ‘Em Out, Rodhide

Gov Hopalong #Blagojevich’s media appearances today: 11
Likelihood that he will run late: 98% due to incessant glad-handing
Likelihood that Rachel Maddow will have him for lunch: 75%

Blagojevich again blasted Illinois Senate rules that prohibit his calling certain witnesses and producing certain evidence.

“Unlike Richard Nixon, who was dealing with issues of tapes, who didn’t want his tapes heard,” the governor said. “I want mine heard. I’d like the full story to be told. If the Senate would let me have evidence, I sure would like to be there so I could prove my innocence.”

Here’s the governor’s schedule in New York today:

6:45 a.m. CBS’ Evening News (taped before CBS’ The Early Show)

7 a.m. CBS’ The Early Show (Central Park studios)

8:10 a.m. Fox & Friends (FOX)

8:45 a.m. Associated Press’ TV studio (450 W. 33rd St.)

10:30 a.m. Fox Business Network (1211 Avenue of Americas)

11:15 a.m.- In Session/TruTV: Jami Floyd: Best Defense (600 3rd Avenue)

12:30 p.m.. Glenn Beck (FOX)

1:30 p.m. Campbell Brown (CNN Center)

2 p.m.- Rachel Maddow (30 Rockefeller Center)

2:30 p.m Greta Van Susteren (undisclosed location)

3:30 p.m. DL Hughley (CNN Center)

On Monday, the governor appeared on the “Today Show”, “Good Morning America,” “The View” and the “Larry King Show.” It was on “Good Morning America” that he revealed he had considered television superstar Oprah Winfrey for the open Senate seat but eventually rejected the idea because it could be seen as a “gimmick” and she likely wouldn’t take the job anyway

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