A New Low In Teabaggery: Boycotts are Un-American (Except for the Boston Tea Party, That Is)

Here’s a fine post to really blow your hair back, commenting on a really dunderheaded statement by Mike Huckabee in a NYT piece about online activists pressuring companies not to give financial support to anti-gay hate groups. It includes some of the quiet ways big retailers like Apple, Microsoft, Netflix and Wal-Mart have channels for donations to certain groups, which on the surface are doing “good” work, but actually have ties to or directly support hate groups. And these hate groups claim the right to hate because “it says so in the Bible” as a God-directed mandate.

So here’s Huckabee’s commentary on the issue.

“This is economic terrorism,” said Mike Huckabee, the former pastor, governor and presidential contender, who is a paid CGBG consultant. “To try to destroy a business because you don’t like some of the customers is, to me, unbelievably un-American,” he said in an interview.

As Shane Smith over at One Utah righteously fires back, these people don’t know their own history. The original Boston Tea Party wasn’t just a boycott (activists convincing people not to trade or do business with an oppressive enterprise), it was economic terrorism, because they destroyed the product and prevented the public from deciding for themselves whether they would pay the hated tax on tea by purchasing from it from British importers.

Also, the original Tea Party was fond of inappropriate dress-up, too. Why would the local Indians toss the tea chests in Boston Harbor? It makes as much sense as the fat guy in the powdered wig who tries to get on the evening news by showing up at Rethuglican town hall events and this weekend’s “TeaCon” in Schaumburg. Which is where my idiot Congressman, Joe “Deadbeat Dad” Walsh is spouting off with the other famous greedy mean people, pretty much as we speak. In an interesting side note, “TeaCon” is only expected to have about a thousand paid attendees, along with a rally by one of the Democratic candidates for Congress in the district, IL-08 (Walsh won’t be running in this district, he’s running in the 14th).

Anyway, as a tonic to all that crap going down just a couple miles from here, here’s Shane on the un-American concept of boycotting that Huckabee’s complaining about:

Un-American. Like the moral majority doing the same thing in the 80′s? Or like the people who bought french wine and champagne to pour it in the toilet because those moron french thought there were no WMD’s? (Aside: how did that work out BTW?) Or like every conservative radio show host ever telling you not to shop at a store chain because they said “happy holidays” rather than “merry christmas”?

Actually, screw all that, maybe these conservative morons have heard of a movement from the founding of the nation known the goddamn Tea Party?! That ring a bell you ignorant slack jawed bible banging bile spewing moronic piece of…..

Sorry, breath, pause, count.

I mean I know that intellectual honesty is right out as soon as we talk about a preacher from the south running on a rightwing ticket. Not to mention a televangelist, so honesty is pretty much not even in the possible cards. But can you at least have the tiniest vague sense of who we are as a nation and the history we hold? Un-American? Fer chissakes the entire country is built on the concept of a free market! I don’t always like it, but there it is. A far bigger influence on this country than christianity (which you ignorant morons are always telling us is the foundation of the country, forget the mostly deist founding fathers or the outright flight from religious persecution, this is a christian nation, right you stupid zombie worshiping pile of ignorant spew from the very bowels of….

Wow, sorry. Let that happen again didn’t I?

I am just saying that a little history might be in order here. The Tea Party was one of the seminal events in the birth of the nation. In fact more than simply choosing not to buy the tea themselves, they tried to enforce that position on everyone. They actually destroyed the tea in question, so no one could buy it. A comparison would be if you actually went to the places of business that support these anti-GLBT groups and took their products and burned them in the parking lot. That is economic terrorism you stupid putz, the good old fashioned “roots of our nation” kind of terrorism that you and your mindless ilk support when you march around with tea bags stapled to your hats, but are to motherf’ing stupid to realize is the heart of….

Damn it.

Look I am going to lie down for a bit.

Actually… I could really use a really hot cup of tea. Using loose tea leaves, because I am a loose (tea) woman.
via “You keep using that word…” | One Utah.

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