• Hot Off The Presses - Politics, Schmolitics

    Palin Sez: Obama EVUL! EVUL! EVUL BAD MANS!

    Oh, for the love of Mike, what a maroon moomom moran #Palin is. Evil image of black cat evilly ganked from OneUtah, a blog you should read. Bwa ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! Sarah Palin: Obama’s healthcare ‘evil’: The Swamp After a brief respite from Twritter and all the rest, the early-self-retired-resigned-withdrawn-bowed-out governor of Alaska has returned to Facebook. With fire: Calling President Barack Obama’s healthcare reform “downright evil.” “The America I know and love is not one in which my parents or my baby with Down Syndrome will have to stand in front of Obama’s ‘death panel’…

  • Episcopal - Parish: Holy Moly (ECUSA) - Religion

    Tempestuous Teapot: Never Mind! No Reciprocal Border Crossing Planned

    As you were. #episcopalian #anglican #kerfuffle PRELUDIUM: Bp. Anderson paranoia a copy-cat caper. Bishop David Anderson let loose with a dozy of a conspiracy theory last week. I reported on it HERE. It turns out the theory was lifted from a though piece by The Rev’d Geoffrey M. St.J. Hoare, the rector of All Saints’ Episcopal Church in Atlanta, Georgia. That essay was picked up by Jonathan Wynne-Jones in an article titled, “Americans planning to start a civil war in the Church of England.” The thread was in turn picked up by Episcopal Cafe in “One plus one equals six…