Salt Lake Air Quality Even Crappier Than Usual

I used to get bronchitis every winter in Salt Lake until I left for college in clean, green, environmentally conscious Oregon.

Then I moved to the Chicago suburbs, where it’s every OTHER year or so, but I can usually stave it off with my cold-weather asthma regimen.

Just Don’t Breathe

If you have to be outside Thursday along the Wasatch Front, try to not breathe, deeply, at least.

The Utah Department of Environmental Quality has issued a “red” air quality alert for Salt Lake, Davis, Weber and Cache counties. That means that residents of those regions are banned from burning wood or coal, and motorists are urged to avoid unnecessary driving.

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3 thoughts on “Salt Lake Air Quality Even Crappier Than Usual

  1. You don’t remember Oregon like I do :). Grass seed allergies every June, air pollution from the mills in Springfield. I’m breathing a lot better in Seattle.

  2. LOL another real comment! I haz a HAPPEE!

    The grass seed *pollen* and spring pollen never bothered me, although if we got smoke from field burning I suffered a little. But that first year in the dorms, I was shocked when my annual sinus infection/reflex cough never started.

    Turns out I was allergic to cigarette smoke, dust, and of course the Salt Lake smog from Kennecott Copper. Steam and electric heat were a godsend.

    Speaking of Eugene, check out these OLD GUYS. And also the video of the same song played by the UW/OSU marching bands.

  3. Hell, if it makes you that happy I’ll have to comment more often :). Actually I find your posts to be well thought out and rational, unlike so many other folks.

    oh man, that video makes me feel old. Like I needed any help on THAT.

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