Big Storm, Big Bust

Storm? What storm? | Chicago Tribune

Before taking off for dinner, David and I pulled all the patio chairs off to the side of the house and secured some lighter things so they wouldn’t blow around. I stuck the last few unplanted plants in the ground in the “kitty garden” and along the side of the house. The wind had been blowing hard all day, but it was hot and humid, a very weird and unsettling sensation.

All through dinner, we watched people out on an outside terrace eating their dinners while clutching their hair and belongings to keep them from getting blown away. The storm was headed directly for us, it seemed, and we thought it would hit just as we left.

Several hours later, I went outside to see what was going on. There was a huge thunderhead/lightning cell to the west, but the winds were still sweeping up from the south, so it was clear overhead and the clouds were clearly going to give us a miss. We went to bed expecting the next line of storms to hit sometime around 1am.

Nuthin’. Nada. Zip. It all went and wreaked havoc in Wisconsin and gave us all a miss.

Once again, the Windy City area was a big blowhard about a storm that never stormed.


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