Synergy Quintet Concert October 17th

groupbw3half.jpgLess than a week before the concert at Holy Moly. I’m doing some more updating of the church website to add this image, which I adapted from Synergy‘s website. I hope that’s going to be okay with Chris and the rest of the musicians; I needed a clean image that reproduced well, and most of the other ones were either too dark, or too “busy” to translate to greyscale well. Also, many of them had text that was white on black, so again kind of hard to reproduce (in addition to using a ton of toner).

This one got run through Photoshop Elements – I think I ended up running it through an “Equalize” filter after inverting, or vicey-vercey. Anyway, it reproduces really, really well on light blue paper, which got made up into full and half-size fliers. Still have more to drop off.

Then after that we have to work on the stewardship campaign in November. I’m willing to get up and talk, something that none of the others appear to enjoy (or actively dread).