Jeremy Clarkson Not Fired, Shunned, Or Banished. Why?

Who wants to watch a millionaire who posts awful things, and is somehow still on TV and writing opinion columns? 

They need him down on his farm at Diddly Squat. 

Kevin Lygo says presenter should apologise for column about Duchess of Sussex that attracted record number of complaints
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Today’s Announcement of a New Twitter Policy May Be Even More Terrifying Than This Week’s Mass Suspension of Journalists Was—Yes, Really / Post.

On Twitter, a new algorithm will allow far-right trolls to band together en masse—something they have already been shown to have done repeatedly and systematically over the last 24 months—to make the tweets of Twitter Blue–verified left-leaning accounts disappear from public visibility permanently simply by muting or blocking them.
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Need a laugh? Behold the ‘Staches of Santa Clara Men’s Cross Country Team

The Santa Clara Men’s Cross Country team is a glorious sight to behold. The team’s headshots have recently been circulating across social media, and the goofy photos — all featuring some sort of ridiculous mustache — are a huge hit. The East Bay Times explains: The growing of mustaches for team photo day is a…
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