Fake Special Ops Guy Went To UO Around When I Did

Okay, this is pretty weird. I ran across an article about this guy who faked a career as a Special Ops consultant that mentioned he defrauded the University of Oregon about $45,000… my old school. I did a little looking around and found out he was at UO about when I was there. Weird.

BEND, OR — A former instructor at the University of Oregon has been accused of credentials fraud. William Hillar attended the UO for three years in the 1970s, according to court documents, but never actually earned a doctoral degree. That didnt stop the Maryland man from allegedly claiming to have a PHD from Oregon. Hillar taught seminars on human trafficking and international drug trafficking. He was paid more that $33,000 by the University between 2002 and last summer.

via Man Reportedly Lied About UO Degree – myCentralOregon.com.

Weekly Tweets 2011-08-28

  • Going to Mount Vernon tonight (not the famous one) to inspect a tiny Washington Memorial for cracks. #fb #
  • RT @SchaumburgIL The Schaumburg Police Department is requesting the public’s assistance to
    identify and locate… http://deck.ly/~ #
  • FUN day at St Louis Zoo with Melissa. We watched a peahen defend her chicks. #fb #
  • Just dropped Melissa off, we say "Mission Accomplished" #fb #

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Weekly Tweets 2011-08-21

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Jump Up And Say ‘Yay’ Says Doris Day


This made me happy and sad all at the same time. Doris Day is linked in my mind and memories of watching her movies with Mom when I was still at home, or visiting during breaks and vacations. We’d sing along to “Que Sera” or laugh at Day’s predicaments (being locked out in PJs and fluffy slippers).

Doris Day is just so… easy to relate to, she felt like a glamorous but very distant cousin. I hope she succeeds with the album and is happy with how it’s received.

Just jump up and say ‘yay’ – words to live by.