Barack Obama Bumper Stickers: Illinois Sticker Is Lame

Barack Obama Bumper Stickers Cool idea, but the Illinois sticker is a graphic with Obama and Biden, with a background shot of the funny red state Capitol rotunda. Where’s Lincoln? Where’s the Chicago skyline, the fertile downstate fields, or a clever recasting of the state flag? It has a rampant eagle, a Federal shield, and a really pretty golden sunburst. Can’t someone do a mix with the “O” logo, please?

Because until then, I’m from Hawaii, my “maybe someday” spiritual home.

The sticker says “Obama Ohana.” As everybody knows, “ohana” means “family.”

Via BoingBoing

Flowers for a dead President (not the one you expect)

I also wonder, what would Gerald Ford have thought if he could somehow see McCain coming to lay flowers at his grave with First Dude? …And what is Todd Palin doing there in the first place — especially when (forsaking the excellent adventure) he could be home with the baby and kids?

Ah. This is one of those “reach out to the moderates” action straight out of the playbook. Ford would be appalled, I think, by Palin’s politics, as he was appalled by the Religious Right’s co-opting of the party.

Reported this one to The General.