Crap, I’d Better Eat More Broccoli

BBC NEWS | Health | Broccoli ‘may help protect lungs’

A substance found in broccoli may limit the damage which leads to serious lung disease, research suggests.

Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is often caused by smoking and kills about 30,000 UK residents a year.

US scientists found that sulforapane increases the activity of the NRF2 gene in human lung cells which protects cells from damage caused by toxins.

The same broccoli compound was recently found to be protective against damage to blood vessels caused by diabetes.

Brassica vegetables such as broccoli have also been linked to a lower risk of heart attacks and strokes.

Hmmm. With my family and personal health history, it sounds like I might want to eat more broccoli. Technorati Tags: ,