One Utah | I Forgot to Eat Ice Cream: Thoughts on Community

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In the course of the post, I ran across a mention of a book I read about a year ago, when I was trying to figure out what people were looking for when they were thinking of joining any kind of social group.

Bowling Alone, by Robert D. Putnam

I needed the reminder. I've been meaning to mention this book to Steve, our vicar at church… which at least for the moment will be known as St Nicholas with the Holy Innocents, but it will always be Holy Moly to me. Anyway, maybe we can start some kind of reading circle.



In Communicado

I've got a long, password-protected draft going. I'm not sure if I will publish it or not, as it's all about a training experience I'm currently having. 

It is not going well.  It's not good when a class starts out with cartoon characters depicting change as the Big Bad Wolf, and with Lisa Simpson quoting the well – known but possibly Snopesian phrase that in Chinese, the words for change and opportunity are the same.

I must be flexible yet strong like bamboo, and not unyielding and sharp like katana.  Arrrrgh.