Validate Me, Ronco Baby

Validate WWW Pages

Hi!!! Welcome to (no suggestions) NASA Rash Rasp! At least, that’s what the fine folks at Codeflux’s webpage validator thinks this blog should be called.

(we interrupt this blog entry for a message from Ronco)

“Oh, no! what’s that on your face? a birthmark? Acne? The heartbreak of psoriasis? But dermabrasion is so expensive! What to do?”

“Now with the power of no suggestions NASA Rash Rasp! you can safely and inexpensively remove blemishes at the subdermal level and beyond!”

“This space-based technology, used by NASA to rid space stations of unwanted biological pests, uses the power of micrometeorites to gently but extremely thoroughly exfoliate your skin (reconstructive surgery and skin grafts not included).”
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