The Shrine of St TiVo

I knew there were other fellow parishioners out there:

Contra Costa Times | 11/09/2003 | Worshipping at TiVo’s shrine

A woman in the article mentions that she’d give up her hair dryer or maybe her cell phone before she’d give up TiVo.

Hmm. I”d give up cordless phones or maaaaybe the microwave before I’d give up TiVo. No, wait – need popcorn sometimes. I’d give up cordless phones.


There’s a lot of stuff queued up waiting for me to watch – this week’s orgy of Rebuild. Rebuild Again put me behind in my schedule. But I did have a chance to Walk. Away. From. The. Keyboard for a while yesterday and catch the following:

Stargate SG-1 1/16/04 “Grace”
Wow, nice listing setup for a site called Gateworld. Must keep that handy. Anyway, a Sam episode – much better than I expected going in. Very expensive looking production for a storyline (Prometheus) that doesn’t get much play. Lots of sexy consoles and interesting lights and gadgets and things. Some Aliens of Unknown Intent in a big, bad ship showed up – very impressive and threatening looking, but at the end their motives were left a mystery. I don’t know if this ship would figure in any possible spinoff of this series, but at least they don’t look or act like the USS Rugrats, AKA USS Babies In Spaaaaace, AKA Enterprise

Anyway, in watching SG-1 “Grace,” I felt that old sinking sensation that CFers get when a show with a female lead or co-star brings in a “Mysterious Child.”

It wasn’t explicitly stated in the episode, but the general impression was that “Grace” might be a manifestation of a Big Living Space Cloud, trying to communicate with her.

However, given that she has a conversation with the part of her subconscious represented by Jack (let’s date), or Jacob (fall in love and be happy already) the girl Grace was most likely her subconscious reminding her the clock is ticking (sowhennyagonnahaveabaybee?).

Oy. Well, it wouldn’t suck seeing Sam explore her own need for happiness and love. Thus far though, if you date Sam, you die. So Jack better watch his ass.

What Not To Wear
Oof, those ruddy Americans almost made that sensitive biker dude cry, but he looked good in the end. It seems there was no new WTNW British episode to watch – eventually I”ll wander over to the BBC America site and find out when the new ones start.

Ground Force and Ground Force America
Rats, the new episode on Tuesday must have conflicted or had a lower priority than something else we watch that night. But St TiVo be praised, I’ll eventually catch it. Episodes of the GF America installments probably have to be set up as a Season Pass separately – the title probably varies enough to confuse the St TiVo, the wise yet occasonally confused.

Charlie Dimmock, Woman of Steel, Chainsaws, and a really Happy Rack Untrammeled By a Bra has her own side project called “Charlie’s Garden Army.” I quite like that one as well, as it shows her helping and encouraging community groups to design and build very large and sometimes elaborate gardens.

(Woops – there goes the Britspeak into my style. Just wait til the England journal goes up.)

Charlie is my favorite of the GF team, and if I were as fit as I should be, she and I would look like we were closely related (except I was behind the door the day the racks were being handed out). Later this summer, I’m hoping to start a major makeover of the back yard. Maybe I’ll look more like her by summer’s end?

BBC Comedies and Dramas
‘Strewth!! Blackadder’s back on the schedule!!! My lord, I have a cunning plan. I’ll add it to the Season Pass list. And then maybe I’ll add The Office as well, since I was just letting TiVo “find” it for me before and got hooked. I wouldn’t want it to be made redundant.

I watched all the Monarch of the Glen episodes, or most of them, so might watch the new season that seems to be starting… but I might not. Can’t really explain why, unless I’m still ticked off that they blew Tom Good to smithereens

Why yes, thanks to St TiVo and digital cable, I’m a BBC American. What a silly question!

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