Seeing Red

‘Tis the season between Xmess and New Blears when the tough go shopping and the rest of us sit on the couch and groan about all the holiday binge eating they shouldn’t have done. It’s also that special time of the year when grousing endlessly about missing packages and tracking numbers that don’t track reaches its peak.
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Another exercise in avoiding the negative construction

I am childfree. My husband is childfree. A lot of parents seem to be confused about what it is to be childfree, since they are not and they can’t conceive (heh) of anyone who would want to be like that. So I”ll try to explain how I see it.

I don’t care for most kids, with some exceptions. At certain moments of great irritation, I can’t stand kids. And babies? YUCK at all times. From both ends.

Please don’t take this personally, parents – you have the right to have kids and to be happy you did. And I have the right to abstain from entering the parent trap, and also from adoring your kids and cooing over their latest picture.

And I have the right to be happy with my choice, too.
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Carrot Tops are Green, Einstein

Realm of Redheads

GOD, I wish I’d had this T-shirt 30 years ago. And most of the others, too. If I had a nickel for every time I was singled out and ridiculed for the color of my hair, I’d be richer than Bill.

And for the record, I qualify for the “100% Genuine Authentic, Rare Hare, Since Birth, No Harmful Dyes, No Chemical Additives” T-shirt, so long as the chemical additives don’t include permanent wave solution and certain recreational molecules.
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Baggins/Gamgee ’04 Campaign Headquarters Movie review: ‘The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King’

Last night the dream of a lifetime’s reading came true; the full Lord of the Rings trilogy was gloriously realized on film, and I saw it at last.

When the project was first announced years ago, I thought “Right, we’ll see, there’ve been disappointing blunders before.” I had suffered through Ralph Bakshi’s uneven (and partly rotoscoped) version, and I think there was a Rankin-Bass attempt to tell the third installment when Bakshi only got through the first two books.

So again, when the project was announced, I thought “Hmmm, well, good luck to this Jackson guy.”

My interest (and invisible hobbit-ears) perked up when I heard that they built and planted the Hobbiton set a year before they filmed there so it would look authentic and lived in. “Hmm,” I thought, “might be something in this Jackson frood’s approach. ”
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Arts and Grafts

“What has made Illinois so unique in its political history is not just the scandals and corruption but the people’s willingness to accept it,” said State Historian Thomas Schwartz. “Illinois has never had a very refined approach to politics, and, as a result, our political culture has always taken scandals in stride.”

Chicago Tribune | Scandal has home in land of Lincoln

I moved to Illinois from Seattle back in 1996? 1997? Anyway, even before the driver’s license scandal first came over the horizon, the acceptance of political scumbaggery astounded me. When I mentioned this to my hubby-to-be, he shrugged and said “Welcome to Illinois.”
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Tuning up

Note to self – need tenor for choir, which currently consists of several ladies of a certain vintage (self included) and one ineffable bass who keeps Pep-o-mint Life Savers in his engineer boots (and clips his nails in church, alas).

Tenors need apply.

Off to choir practice, don’t wait up.

What is that you’re saying?

No, this isn’t about vampires. Or people who swipe cool stuff from other blogs. I just wanted to be clear about that. Turns out “blogula” isn’t that original a word, according to Google.

Although when I checked just now, I found that among other things, “Tabula Rasa” is a mailing list devoted to Spike, the conflicted vampire-with-a-soul (one of at least two in the world).

The symmetry amuses me, and so “Blogula Rasa” it remains.

And so, what we watch…
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This blog I gotta read from the beginning. And it references Landover Baptist and Ship of Fools, too. Bliss.

Just so we’re all in the clear, I’m a high church liberal Episcopalian.

What’s all this fuss about gay bishops? We’ve had them before, we’re just being more honest about it than the rest of the world. It’s a shame that some gay clergy felt they had to wait until retirement to declare their orientation.
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